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English New awp_grey_v2 >

7 comments53 kb, 526 Downloads

old New awp_grey_v2

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Hi, I want to share a map that I edit from awp_grey
(It is an edition of the original map)


> Original Creators;

• <fruitpapje>
• Banaan
Declined by GeoB99
The quality of the file is too low! Please invest more time and only upload stuff which is actually good. Do not upload your first "5 minute"-attempts. Sorry, but nobody wants to see and download stuff like that!
This "new" version looks almost the same like the original one...

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Is that all?


The Dark Shadow
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Either there isn't any difference or he edited only one tile from the original map, uploaded it here, and claimed he did something big.


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I fail to see the difference.

old For @Lobwver and @LiME1516

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Thanks for your advice I will take it into account, I edited the map because the v2 version is not anywhere and a friend asked me to do it, if you want me to make a specific map let me know


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Too simple and little difference from the original map.


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We have a lot of versions of this map already, and it's quite surprising how any of this edits change the tileset or try something a little bigger than just some new corridor and such.
Keep it up tho, it's nice to see File Archive active.

PD: Get your graphics settings to max when you are taking screenshots, someone who does not know the map won't be able to tell what is a Wall, an Obstacle or simply Floor.
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