This file is a translation of CS2D game into Italian language. You can also find the translation (although old version) from Bitbucket repository below.
Extract the translation file to
sys/languagedirectory path. In order to use the Italian language in-game you must go through Options > Game > Language and set it to Italian (Italiano).
18.11.2017 - Updated translation for the version & Steam
01.05.2017 - A forgotten "Counter-Strike 2D" string has been replaced with "CS2D"
24.04.2017 - Translated several English strings into Italian
24.04.2017 - Fixed some grammar typos
24.04.2017 - Replaced certain words
07.03.2015 - Initial release
edited 21×, last 18.11.17 03:55:26 pm
Approved by Rainoth
13 kb, 515 Downloads