Today I release new version of my Grab script!
Added new bug fixes and features!
All script is remaked
Now you cant grab yourself
Now it easy to add admins
Now grabbed player can attack everyone
Now you must click on player to grab him
Now it less laggy
Now grabbed player moves only by tiles (by pixels are laggy too)
Now you cant grab player who already grabbed
Now you cant grab player who grabbing another player
Extract file in cs2d dir
Go to server.lua
type this:
You can use it on your server
You can edit my script
You can upload it too (but give credits to me)
1. Post bugs what you find here so I can fix them
2. If you need help to edit this script, pm me or add me in skype
skype: sirfactis
Enjoy my script!
edited 6×, last 21.07.15 01:53:50 pm
Approved by EngiN33R
2 kb, 1,435 Downloads