Test! = Message
1 = @C (when 1 with @C, when 0 without)
addhook("menu",'n_menu") function n_menu(id,title,sel) 	if title == "title" then 		if sel == 1 then 			-- whatever 1 		if sel == 2 then 			-- whatever 2 		if sel == 3 then 			-- whatever 3 		end end
function RR_msg(color,text,mode) if (mode==0) then 	msg("©"..color.." "..text) elseif (mode==1) then 	msg("©"..color.." "..text.."@C") end end
function RR_msg(color,text,mode) if (mode==0) then msg("©"..color.." "..text) elseif (mode==1) then msg("©"..color.." "..text.."@C") end end
-- these are the positions of player where to say (tiles!) pos1=1337 pos2=1337 addhook("say","interact") function interact(id,t) 	if (t=="hi" and player(id,"tilex")==pos1 and player(id,"tiley")==pos2) then 		parse("trigger door") -- for example 	end end
-- these are the positions of player where to say (tiles!) pos1=1337 pos2=1337 addhook("say","interact") function interact(id,t) if (t=="hi" and player(id,"tilex")==pos1 and player(id,"tiley")==pos2) then menu(id,"What ya wanna do?,Shut up,**** off,Open door") end end
dmgmode=initArray(32) addhook("say","dmgmodefunc") function dmgmodefunc(p,t) if (t=="!dmg") then dmgmode[p]=1 end end addhook("hit","moredmg") function moredmg(id,source,w,hpdmg) if (dmgmode[source]==1) then parse("sethealth "..id.." "..(player(id,"health")-(hpdmg+2))) end end
position = { "250 50 0" } addhook("spawn","admin") function admin(id) 	parse("hudtxt "..id.." ©255000000 Admin:Urnamehere "..position) end