Question 1:
Guys how did the others Change the names of the guns?
Question 2:
Guys how to make a NPC that name is SWAT?
Question 3:
How to make a LUA with Menu?
this is all guys 3 questions
addhook("serveraction","sv") function sv(i,a) 	if a==1 then 		menu(i,"title,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9") 	end end
addhook("serveraction","menus") function menus(id, act) 	If act == 1 then 		menu(id,"Title, Button 1, button 2, Etc button") 	end end
addhook("menu","menuz") function menuz(id, m, b) 	if m == "Title" then 		if b == 1 then 		-- Etc.... Complete it by your self. 	end end
wpn_name[1] = {32, "M4A1 MAGNUM"} -- this table for renaming --use wpn_name[2] = {weapontype, "name in ""!"} --min example renames m4a1 to m4a1 magnum addhook('hit', '_hit') function _hit(id, source, weapon, hpdmg, apdmg) 	for n, w in ipairs(wpn_name) do 		if player(source, 'weapontype') == w[1] then 			if player(id, 'health') <= 0 then 				parse('customkill '.. source ..' '.. w[2] ..' '.. id) 			end 		end 	end end
wpn_name[1] = {32, "M4A1 MAGNUM"} -- this table for renaming --use wpn_name[2] = {weapontype, "name in ""!"} --min example renames m4a1 to m4a1 magnum addhook('hit', '_hit') function _hit(id, source, weapon, hpdmg, apdmg) 	for n, w in ipairs(wpn_name) do 		if player(source, 'weapontype') == w[1] then 			if player(id, 'health') <= 0 then 				parse('customkill '.. source ..' '.. w[2] ..' '.. id) 			end 		end 	end end
wpn_name={} wpn_name[1]="AWESOME PISTOL" wpn_name[32]="M4A1 MAGNUM" --wpn_name[#]="name" addhook("hit","_hit") function _hit(id, source, weapon, hpdmg, apdmg) 	if source~=0 then 		if player(id,"health")-hpdmg<=0 then 			if wpn_name[weapon]~=nil then 				parse("customkill "" "..wpn_name[weapon]) 			end 		end 	end end