can you make a script like
if you say !makespec only at ipairs {ADMINLIST} then the id will go spec example !makespec 5 then the id 5 will go spec.. please help me.!.!.!.!.!.!.?
ADMINLIST = {63171} function table.find(t,val) 	for k, v in pairs(t) do 		if v == val then 			return k 		end 	end end addhook("say","onSay") function onSay(id,txt) 	if string.sub(txt,1,1) == "!" then 		if string.sub(txt,1,9) == "!makespec" and table.find(ADMINLIST,player(id,"usgn")) then 			local p = tonumber(string.sub(txt,11)) 			if p then 				parse("makespec "..p) 			end 		end 		return 1 	end end
ADMINLIST = {63171} function table.find(t,val) for k, v in pairs(t) do if v == val then return k end end end addhook("say","onSay") function onSay(id,txt) if string.sub(txt,1,1) == "!" then if string.sub(txt,1,9) == "!makespec" and table.find(ADMINLIST,player(id,"usgn")) then local p = tonumber(string.sub(txt,11)) if p then parse("makespec "..p) msg(""..player(id,"name").." Made "[..p] A Spectator) end end return 1 end end