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Englisch Merry Christmas

243 Antworten
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alt Re: Merry Christmas

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user Doberman hat geschrieben
user medeiros hat geschrieben
Buy new glasses, and if you already have, buy better ones.

POST CREATED BY: deathmask
TIME CREATED:, DATE: 24.12.12, TIME:14:26:34.

Again, LOLWUT?

Thread created by: CyberMaster
Time created: 24/12/2011
Thread revived by: Deathmask
Time revived: 24/12/2012

alt Re: Merry Christmas

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user Corvallis5 hat geschrieben
Wow your a loser.

I don't see why I should take this post serious as it's you are (You're).

Don't get me wrong, I just don't find a day where you get presents and pretend some fat guy brought them to be useful.

Oh well, Merry fucking Christmas to you.

@user medeiros: He meant it is not Christmas yet when you posted.

alt Re: Merry Christmas

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user Yates hat geschrieben
@user medeiros: He meant it is not Christmas yet when you posted.

It all depends on timezones. Christmas has passed on some countries and isn't yet on others, there can't be a defined "it is Xmas"/"it's not Xmas". Also, at least according to my timezone, this thread was made on the 24th December 2011, so I revived it on the same day the next year.
And I consider 24 to be Christmas, it's at least the day I receive gifts, at afternoon. It depends on your family and tradition, some do on 24 night, others in 25 morning and others in 25 afternoon/night.

alt Re: Merry Christmas


For all the non-christians who aren't celebrating christmas, happy holiday!
... and for the rest of us and the atheists who celebrate it, a merry christmas and a happy new year to one and all!

Pun intended!

alt Re: Merry Christmas

User Off Offline

We, the atheists, can celebrate this day too.
Not because it's Christmas, but because it's Isaac Newton's Birthday!
Merry Newtonmas!
1× editiert, zuletzt 25.12.12 18:38:30

alt Re: Merry Christmas

User Spielt CS2D

What the fuck? We dont want to make each other follow your religion.

I just care for the gifts

Merry Christmas for everyone!

alt Re: Merry Christmas

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user mozilla1 hat geschrieben
What the fuck? We dont want to make each other follow your religion.

I just care for the gifts

Merry Christmas for everyone!

If that was directed to me (ffs why don't you people quote or use @function?!), atheist is the denial of religion. How can it be a religion to start with?

alt Re: Merry Christmas

User Spielt CS2D

user medeiros hat geschrieben
user mozilla1 hat geschrieben
What the fuck? We dont want to make each other follow your religion.

I just care for the gifts

Merry Christmas for everyone!

If that was directed to me (ffs why don't you people quote or use @function?!), atheist is the denial of religion. How can it be a religion to start with?

It wasn't directed to you, it was in general, but if you feel offended, then...
We dont want to make each other follow your belief.

Better now, Mr. Atheist?

Now give me a potato.

alt Re: Merry Christmas

User Off Offline

@user mozilla1: it didn't offend me, where did I express that? I just said your argument would be invalid if you directed that to be, Atheism isn't religion.

We dont want to make each other follow your belief.[

To whom is that 'your' directed to? Atheists believe there is NOTHING, so they DON'T believe. There's no belief. If it was directed to me, that it doesn't make sense. If it was for someone else, ok.
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