CS2D General What is the formula to calculate scoreWhat is the formula to calculate score
7 replies 1
score: score value (sum of map mission goal score and frags)
That means without knowing how many times have the player fulfilled his mission, you cannot recalculate the score.
It's the nearest (only) option to recover a bugged score given the player's frags and deaths as the variables. Just can't remember or find that thread that had it.
I suggest you to save player's score manually actually. This way you can have complete control over the formula.
The closest thing you can do is to give score the same value as frags. Then only score gathered from map goals will be missing.
btw: the value used for sorting (for getting the rank) is
So basically frags are counted twice (because they are included in score already)
Why are bugged scores still an issue? I honestly don't know why scores end up in a corrupted state for some people sometimes. Otherwise I would have fixed it already.
@ Talented Doge: Yes, Kpd & manually saving could be an option. Will try those as well.
score = frags + map goal score
and because you don't have the map goal score, you can only do
score = frags