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Englisch CS2D Competitive Mode

181 Antworten
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alt Re: CS2D Competitive Mode

Reviewer Off Offline

What are you even talking about? Pretty sure everyone else finally got my point as they've all shut up about it.

You want a balanced game? So does everyone else. No one is saying the current game is balanced in any game mode or any map. We currently share the same opinion: the game is not balanced. We also share another opinion: it has to change.

Stop spamming crap.

alt Re: CS2D Competitive Mode

User Off Offline

@user KDMRL: Dude if you think the game has shit mechs why are you even measuring a competitive mode is OK or not?

Here's my thought, if you play a game long enough like LOL or CSGO
then play competitive you'll see that you are climbing up ranks. And rank means your labour. Playing normal is fun but this ranking up situtation makes everything more challenging.

And again CS2D mechs have nothing to do with this thread go open an other thread named "CS2D mechs sucs" and write your novel over there @user KDMRL:.

alt lol

User Off Offline

what do you expect from iran town players. some of you says that we are wrong about competetive and you all don't know anything about it and you talk. for example your a baby and you learning the world. your mother explanes you and you tell her no you're ! wrongggg. this is cancer

alt Re: CS2D Competitive Mode

User Off Offline

spamming allowed in this forum aswell? didnt know stupidity was allowed in a topic that u dont know shit; so u spam. make sense call more people to spam please u guys are aware of the importance of this topic? if u dont, go back to ur happy town server and chill out there forever. lets see what are moderators gonna do about the spam?

alt Re: CS2D Competitive Mode

User Spielt CS2D

I've never truly liked competitive, at my eyes there were always a bunch of older usgns with mad skills owning each team by themselves and I just felt out of the place.

That's when I moved to the fun servers that provided me lots of fun since 2015. I recommend new cs2d players to start off from fun servers rather than jumping straight to a competitive match.

To me the only time that I had fun competing was in a portuguese clan with @user slimK:
But those times are over (or are they not? )

alt Re: CS2D Competitive Mode

Super User Off Offline

user KDMRL hat geschrieben
Wow, I expected that from Masea, since hes an arrogant kid, but some noname called Comunism also mocks me.
Hey, sorry me. Not finished yet. I also forgot to say:

The problem with your approach to the competitive mode is that You have never (probably never) played any competitive clan wars or fun wars, not to mention real tournaments. There are maps, which are already very CT sided. However, that's the beauty of them, to find a good tactic as a terrorists and win over, already CT-sided map. If you add shields (which are counterable only by HEgranades) and scope rifles, those map are gonna become extremely CT-sided. All you're gonna need is a person scoped into a pixel and shoot whenever he sees someone. If you're rushing, You'd be able to do shitload of damage with one shoot. It's extremely idiotic in this game. Rushing in TT side is a very important side of the game. If you wait too much in TT side and do not make any moves, You're simply going to lose. That's just how it happens, because CT's are gonna rush you up and finish you. However, rushes are already counterable by CT's, you just need goof flashes, good communication with a team and You're able to stop them, either by good scans or things like that. Scope weapons have massive damage, It's simply stupid. Every rush is gonna be countered within a moment. Scope rifles are going to destroy every part of the competitive mode. It's not CSGO, the game has a completely different mechanics. AWP can be easly countered in CSGO and it can't be as easly countered in 2d. Scout is even more powerful. Someone said it's a decent weapon that is actually optimized. I don't know what you're talking about, but You clearly never played any real 5on5 with scout. I did and ct side was buying 5 scouts and were just killing everyone with scans like we were some fat rabbits, unable to dodge. Coz, You cant dodge a scan sir. Some scans are invisible (yes, they are and if you never done scans, dont argue with me about that). If all of that do not convince you then I suggest you to play a real 5vs5 on a normal map like de_cbble (or icc_cbble, icc_cbble is a better map than de_cbble) against a team that's good in cw's/fw's with all rifles scopes. However, remember not to call everyone a cheater just because You cant kill anyone and You're losing 15-0. If you do that and win on a tt side against a CT side that's made of a decent clan (look up for clans on, the competitive side is there) and having all the scopes, I'm going to say you're completely right. However, I'm 99,99% sure you will lose hardly. Why? because scope weapons are completely unbalanced in a competitive mode.

You guys are all bragging about how long you have been playing the game and how much You have done to the community. Does it really matter? For me, It doesn't.

We have upcoming ICCv10 - a big 5 on 5 tournament that is going to be hosted by PCS. I urge you to join with a team and play the matches. The mappack is an ICC version of the most common maps in the game. They have only slight differences to add some unique freshness into the ICC format. They are extremely playable and good to compete on. They are also easy to learn.

If you really have such an enormous experience in every gamemode of the game, I would really like you to join the tournament. Show us how good you are, show us your gameplay. It's gonna sound harsh, but I'm pretty convinced, You're not going to win any match and most of your matches will end with the result of 16-0/16-1 for your enemy.

You probably (notice, I used probably, because I can't be entirely sure, if You do) posses no knowledge about scanning, positioning, rotating in a competitive 5on5 mode. We also play a lot of mixes and I've never seen any of you in the mix. All you guys play are jail servers and hc funs and whenever we, competitve players join, how comes we always top the scoreboard if you are all so experienced in everything?

I don't know what you guys do, but everytime I read a topic, there's bunch of you fun players bragging about how experienced you all are in every gamemod, yet You still lose to every competitive player on your fun modes, not to mention that You never played a real mix or a real cw/fw or a real tournament.

We suggest all those things, because We have a massive amount of experience in playing competitive mode. Most of us, the people who type here and are associated with PCS, have played tens of tournaments, hundred of mixes and hundred of clan wars. We tested a variaty of settings and after years and years of playing the game competetively, We came up with a very good server settings that are just good.

You may think we hate on most of the ideas for the game, but that's untrue. Despite all the bad things you may think about us, we are the people who play the game the most. We want the game to be better, that's mostly the reason why we sometimes support some changes or hate on some changes. We don't really care about fun modes, but this is the topic about competitive mode that's very dear to us. This is why we want it to be as balanced and optimized as possible. So people can compete in real way.

The reason as of why I hate on recoil mode.
The current recoil mode is random. It has no patterns, It's unplayable. It doesn't balance anything. It's just another thing to call cs2d more innovative. The aiming situations where it all depends on your skills are very important during competitive matches. Recoil mode adds to the mix some random variaties. There's no way to control your recoil in cs2d. The only way to do it is to stop running. Isn't it stupid? I mean, It's not CSGO, It doesn't look the same. It's 2D. It's about having a good movement, a good reaction time, being able to dodge 1-2 bullets from your enemy, suprise him with other stuff. When using recoil its about luck, You're running, You're encountering an enemy, You start aiming at each other, without recoil it's about pure skill who's going to win, with current recoil, it's about who's gonna be luckier and if the pattern is going to hit your enemy. CS2D is a very dynamic game. If i had to stop everytime I wanted to shoot, I'd gone crazy and stopped the competitive mode. That's also the reason why 0 servers use recoil, it's just bad, unbalanced, badly coded, it wasnt really thought through (in my opinion), it was just added, because simonas wanted to add it. Good that DC made it optional, not a must to be.

All from me. I tried to describe you everything and if you are still going to tell me that You know more and better about competitve mode than competitive players, then just join ICCv10 that's gonna be starting very soon (in 3 to 5 days, the registration is going to be opened) and show us how experienced you are.

Ya know, ya know - it is kinda too long to read maybe. But I'm sure you'll. It's a part from my favorite novel.

alt Re: CS2D Competitive Mode

User Off Offline

What are you talking about?
If you don't wanna play matchmaking and competitive - don't do that. Play your fun servers. But we will play MM. Everyone is happy.

alt Re: CS2D Competitive Mode

User Off Offline

aight, it was a mistake to come here and argue with u arrogant fcks. hf playing in fun servers that makes(will make) 0 effect to activity(amount of players that will be play cs2d) of the game (in future)

alt Re: CS2D Competitive Mode

User Off Offline

@user Lord:

If you nail this since the first post of Chaos
i think that you really want to Discuss this in private. Since SQ is developing cs2d competitive. Instead of Arguing here You can simply pm him at Discord or Skype

alt Re: CS2D Competitive Mode

User Off Offline

dw i have been in contact with simonas through the whole process of testing, we had ~3 4 hour talk in skype. i just wrote a couple sentence here, cuz the thing i have seen, is far from what competitive mode should be.

alt Re: CS2D Competitive Mode

User Off Offline

@user Lord:

ok from now on guys instead of doing useless debates please pm simonas!

and also (mp_unbuyable) is not necessary, i know you Competitive players are good players but doesn't mean we have to disable weapons ( even i know how it feels. I also have a pvp public server ) we played along without weapons being disabled. This just need a little bit of Tweak! no need to be harsh on this guys <3.

i hope Simonas will solve this out!

sorry for my poor english, if someone misunderstands my reply ill sort it out

alt Re: CS2D Competitive Mode

User Off Offline

The thing is its been +10 years we block those weapon since they are damaging gameplay very negatively in competitive. Idk why u guys still commentating about things u didnt even experience in 1 5v5 funwar.
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