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Englisch Energy drinks thread

67 Antworten
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alt Re: Energy drinks thread

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Guys, guys. Need to revive this to make a simple question: anyone else tried the new Special Edition Red Bull?
I have the tree of them: Red, Blue and Grey. Just drank the Red one, strong red fruits flavour. 7/10, still slightly prefer original and sugarfree. (
Will try the Blue and Lime ones.
So, any reviews?

alt Re: Energy drinks thread

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user Chingy hat geschrieben
Well I like the "Rockstar Tube" Energy drink with "Juice" flavour or how it's called.

I have seen some Rockstar cans at the mall, I was quite reluctant on buying them. Do they have the same, more or less caffeine than Red Bull?

alt Re: Energy drinks thread

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I don't know, I don't drink often energy drinks because it's not necessary for me.
@user palomino: I'm sorry, I meant piss.
1× editiert, zuletzt 31.07.12 20:36:41

alt Re: Energy drinks thread

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Energy drinks... Be careful with these, guys. These can seriously harm your heart - and this is not another sarcasm from me. Once upon time I loved them too, but now I gave up drinking coffee and energy drinks. That's very bad for your health.

alt Re: Energy drinks thread

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user oxytamine hat geschrieben
I see nothing good in these energy drinks.

Well, if you only drink it maybe once or two time a month like me there won't be any problems with them.

alt Re: Energy drinks thread

Reviewer Off Offline

I clicked on this thread after a while to see if anyone had tasted the goodness of Redbull.

It turns out the thread has changed into drinking pee and being perverted.

I'm out.
1× editiert, zuletzt 31.07.12 20:50:40

alt Re: Energy drinks thread

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user palomino hat geschrieben
@user Chingy: So please tell me more about how piss fuels you.

You are the guy who said he doesn't care about how it tastes. I would never drink an energy drink which taste I don't like.

alt Re: Energy drinks thread

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user palomino hat geschrieben
@user Chingy: Fact: energy drinks don't have a taste. LOL. They taste like sugar obviously.

To half correct. They tastes like suggar they do but they got their own flavour (or Chemical substances). But nevermind, I want to end this discussion here.
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