"player put spray on x,y" ?
It should be posible with spray hook, but its not work.
-- addhook("spray","spraytxty") -- function spraytxty(id) -- parse("sv_msg ©017213149 "..player(id,"name").." put a spray at "..player(id,"tilex").." "..player(id,"tiley").." !") -- end
addhook("serveraction","serv") function serv(p,a) 	if (a == 1) then 		msg2(p,'Your position: x = '..player(p,"tilex")..', y = '..player(p,"tiley")) 	end end
addhook("serveraction","serv") function serv(p,a) if (a == 1) then msg2(p,'Your position: x = '..player(p,"tilex")..', y = '..player(p,"tiley")) end end
--Tile Position 	if (txt=="my tile position") then 	parse("sv_msg ©224027036 "..player(id,"name").." is at tile "..player(id,"tilex").." for X & at tile "..player(id,"tiley").." for Y @C"); end 	 	 --Pixel Position 	if (txt=="my pixel position") then 	parse("sv_msg ©224027036 "..player(id,"name").." is at pixel "..player(id,"x").." for X & at pixel "..player(id,"y").." for Y @C"); end
addhook("say","says") function says(id,txt) 	if (txt=="tile") then 		parse("sv_msg ©224027036 "..player(id,"name").." is at tile "..player(id,"tilex").." for X & at tile "..player(id,"tiley").." for Y @C") 	end 	if (txt=="pixel") then 		parse("sv_msg ©224027036 "..player(id,"name").." is at pixel "..player(id,"x").." for X & at pixel "..player(id,"y").." for Y @C") 	end end
addhook("menu",test.menu") function test.menu(id,menu,sel) 	if sel==1 then 		parse("makect "..id) 		parse("spawnplayer "..id.." '..x..' '..y..'") 	end end
addhook("kill","killteammate") function killteammate(killer,victim) 	if(player(killer,"team") == player(victim,"team")) then 		parse("sv_msg OMFG, "..player(killer,"name")..", how could you kill "..player(victim,"name").."? He was your teammate!!") 	end end
function playersonteam(team) 	local count 	for i=1,32 do 		if(player(i,"team")==team) then 			count = count + 1 		end 	end 	return count end addhook("join","autoteamchose") function autoteamchose(id) 	if(playersonteam(1)>playersonteam(2)) then 		parse("maket "..id) 	elseif(playersonteam(2)>playersonteam(1)) then 		parse("makect "..id) 	else 		local newteam = math.rand(1,2) 		if(newteam==1) then 			parse("maket "..id) 		else 			parse("makect "..id) 		end 	end end