Flacko has written
1- Use addhook("msg","your_function"), and parse it
msg hook...
You meant something else? Right?
addhook("spawn","adminspawn") function adminspawn(id) --Adminspawns adminid = usgnidnum if (id>0)then if (player(id, "usgn") == adminid) then parse("speedmod "..id.." 50; equip "..id.." 88; equip "..id.." 83; equip "..id.." 74; equip "..id.." 45") parse("setmaxhealth "..id.." 250; sethealth "..id.." 250") parse("msg ©135013208 "..player(id,"name").." is an Administrator for this Server! @C") end end end addhook("spawn","adminspawn1") function adminspawn1(id) --Adminspawns adminid1 = usgnidnum if (id>0)then if (player(id, "usgn") == adminid1) then parse("speedmod "..id.." 50; equip "..id.." 88; equip "..id.." 83; equip "..id.." 74; equip "..id.." 45") parse("setmaxhealth "..id.." 250; sethealth "..id.." 250") end end end
[b]adminid = {1232,4231,4324} -- USNG ids list[/b] [b]for i = 1,#adminid do[/b] 	if (player(id, "usgn") == [b]adminid[i][/b]) then 		parse("speedmod "..id.." 50; equip "..id.." 88; equip "..id.." 83; equip "..id.." 74; equip "..id.." 45") 		parse("setmaxhealth "..id.." 250; sethealth "..id.." 250") 		msg("©135013208 "..player(id,"name").." is an Administrator for this Server! @C") 	end [b]end[/b]
addhook("parse","parses") function parses(cmd) 	if (cmd=="usgnlist") then 		for i=1,32 do 			if (player(i,"exists") and player(i,"usgn") > 0) then 				print("©000255000"..player(i,"name").." with usgn ID: "..player(i,"usgn")) 			end 		end 		return 2 	end 	return 0 end
message = {'this is first message','2nd message','3RD message!'} msg = 1 addhook("join","joins") function joins(p) 	if (msg >= 1 and msg<= #message) then 		msg = msg + 1 	else 		msg = 1 	end 	msg2(p,message[msg]..'@C') end
-------------------------------------------------- -- Simple Badwords Filter by Unreal Software -- -- 22.02.2009 - www.UnrealSoftware.de -- -------------------------------------------------- if sample==nil then sample={} end sample.badwords={} -------------------------------------- -- BADWORDS TABLE (LOWERCASE) -- -------------------------------------- sample.badwords.words = {"lol","a","mad","am","i"} -------------------------------------- -- HANDLE BADWORDS IN SAY MESSAGES -- -------------------------------------- addhook("say","sample.badwords.say") function sample.badwords.say(p,t) 	t=string.lower(t) 	for i = 1,#sample.badwords.words do 		if (string.find(t,sample.badwords.words[i])~=nil) then 			msg(player(p,"name").." said a bad word!") 			parse("kick "..p) 			break 		end 	end end
if sample==nil then sample={} end sample.badwords={} sample.badwords.words = {"I","cant","show","bad","words","here"} print('== List Of Bad Words ==') for i = 1, #sample.badwords.words do 	print(i..'. '..sample.badwords.words[i]) end addhook("say","sample.badwords.say") function sample.badwords.say(p,t) 	t=string.lower(t) 	for i = 1,#sample.badwords.words do 		if (string.find(t,sample.badwords.words[i])~=nil) then 			msg(player(p,"name").." said a bad word!") 			parse("kick "..p) 			break 		end 	end end
addhook("kill","kills") function kills(p,v) 	if (player(p,"team") == player(v,"team")) then -- Checks If Teamkill 		msg(player(p,"name")..' Team killed '..player(v,"name")..'@C') 	end end