parse('hudtxt 0 "©000255000ZombieSwarm v3.0" 322 13 1')
The problem is that only the admin can see it and other players can`t see it.HELP!
elseif(text=="!No Bot") or (text=="!no bot") then if admins[player(id,"usgn")] then parse("bot_remove_all) end end
local i for i=1,32 do elseif(text=="!No Bot") or (text=="!no bot") then 	if admins[player(i,"usgn")] then 		if (player(i,'bot')) and (player(i,'exists')) then 			parse('kick '..i) 		end 	end end
local i for i=1,32 do elseif(text=="!No Bot") or (text=="!no bot") then 	if admins[player(i,"usgn")] then 		if (player(i,'bot')) and (player(i,'exists')) then 			parse('kick '..i) 		end 	end end
if(string.lower(text)=="!no bot") then 	if admins[player(i,"usgn")] then 		for i=1,32 do 			if (player(i,'bot')) and (player(i,'exists')) then 				parse('kick '..i) 			end 		end 	end end
addhook("team","teams") function teams() 	parse('hudtxt 0 "©000255000ZombieSwarm v3.0" 320 15 1') end
addhook("second","sec") function sec() 	local i 	for i = 1, 32 do 		if player(i,"exists") then 			if (player(i,'health') < 50) then 				parse('sethealth '..i..' '..player(i,'health') + 3) 			end 		end 	end end
addhook("second","sec") function sec() local i for i = 1, 32 do if player(i,"exists") then if (player(i,'health') < 100) then 			 if (player(i,'team') == 2) then parse('sethealth '..i..' '..player(i,'health') + 3) end end end end end