Re: Lua Scripts/Questions/Help
Deleted Userbots dont has wrench (construction)
only ak 47
and players cant join to terrorists if he click on the terrorist force automaticly makes counter terrorists (makect)
addhook("spawn","cons_nowrench") function cons_nowrench(id) 	if game("sv_gm")==3 then 		if player(id,"bot") then 			parse("equip "" 30") -- Give AK 			parse("strip "" 74") -- Remove wrench from bot 		end 	end end
addhook("team","no_ts") function no_ts(id,team 	if (team == 1) then 		parse("makect " -- Automatic go CT who want join T's 		msg2(id,"No Terrorists allowed!") 	end end
function initArray(m) local array = {} for i = 1, m do array[i]=0 end return array end level=initArray(32) exp=initArray(32) credits=initArray(32) hacker=initArray(32) function string.split(text,b) local cmd = {} if b then b = b else b = "%s" end b = "[^"..b.."]+" for o in string.gmatch(text,b) do table.insert(cmd,o) end return cmd end if hacker==nil then hacker={} end hacker={} addhook("second","hack") function hack() if (hacker[id]==1) then credits[id]=credits[id]+15 	end end addhook("spawn","class") function class(id) parse("equip "" 56") -- Equips Ct's with defuse kit. hacker[id] = 1 -- The Hacker Special is on 	parse("strip "
addhook("second","kills_gui") function kills_gui() 	kills_gui_create(p) end function kills_gui_create(p) 	for p = 1,32 do 		if player(p,"exists") then 			text = ("©000255000Kills : "..kills.." | Deaths : "..deaths) 			x = 235 			y = 400 			parse('hudtxt 1 '..p..' "'..text..'" '..x..' '..y) 		end 	end end
addhook("second","kills_gui") function kills_gui() 	kills_gui_create(p) end function kills_gui_create(p) 	for p = 1,32 do 		if player(p,"exists") then 			text = ("©000255000Kills : "..kills.." | Deaths : "..deaths) 			x = 235 			y = 400 			parse('hudtxt 1 '..p..' "'..text..'" '..x..' '..y) 		end 	end end
text = ('©000255000Kills : '..kills..' | Deaths : '..deaths)
lol = {123,156,14896} a = {12,32} lol = {lol..a} print(lol[4]) --should print 12
lol = {123,156,14896} a = {12,32} lol = {lol..a} print(lol[4]) --should print 12
table.insert(<tablename>,<things to insert>)
table.insert(<tablename>,<things to insert>)
addhook("say","broadcast") function broadcast(id,t) if string.sub(t,1,10) == "!broadcast" then local bt = string.sub(t,12) msg("©000255000"..player(id,"name").."(Broadcast): " end end
addhook([[hit]],[[mt2_hit]]) function mt2_hit(id,source,weapon,hpdmg,apdmg) 	player(source,"health")-hpdmg*str[id]/def[source] end
addhook([[hit]],[[mt2_hit]]) function mt2_hit(id,source,weapon,hpdmg,apdmg) 	player(source,"health")-hpdmg*str[id]/def[source] end
parse([[sethealth ]][[ ]]..player(id,"health")-hpdmg*str[source]/def[id])
function minuted() 	ttiv = ttiv + 1 	if ttiv >= 1440 then 		for l in io.lines("sys/lua/tempvips/all.txt") do 			local line = totable(l) 			for i = 1,#line do 				for li in io.lines("sys/lua/tempvips/"..tonumber(line[i])..".txt") do 					local lines = totable(li) 					if lines[1] == 0 then 						--nix 					elseif lines[1] == 1 then 						local file = assert("sys/lua/tempvips/"..tonumber(line[i])..".txt","w")) 						file:write("fart") 						file:close() 						local file = assert("sys/lua/tempvips/all.txt"),"w") 						if tonumber(lines[1]) ~= 1 then 							file:write(tonumber(line[i]).."\n") 						end 						file:close() 						for is = 1,#tempviplist do 							if tempviplist[is] == tonumber(line[i]) then 								table.remove(tempviplist,is) 							end 						end 					elseif lines[1] == 2 then 						local file = assert("sys/lua/tempvips/"..tonumber(line[i])..".txt","w")) 						file:write("1") 						file:close() 					elseif lines[1] == 3 then 						local file = assert("sys/lua/tempvips/"..tonumber(line[i])..".txt","w")) 						file:write("2") 						file:close() 					elseif lines[1] == 4 then 						local file = assert("sys/lua/tempvips/"..tonumber(line[i])..".txt","w")) 						file:write("3") 						file:close() 					elseif lines[1] == 5 then 						local file = assert("sys/lua/tempvips/"..tonumber(line[i])..".txt","w")) 						file:write("4") 						file:close() 					end 				end 			end 		end 		ttiv = 0 	end end
players_online = 0 addhook("join","add_player") function add_player(id) 	players_online = players_online + 1 end addhook("leave","remove_player") function remove_player(id,reason) 	players_online = players_online - 1 end addhook("second","player_hud") function player_hud() 	for id = 1,32 do 		if player(id,"exists") then 			display_player_hud(id) 		end 	end end function display_player_hud(id) text = ("©000255000| Players online : "..players_online.." |") y = 50 x = 100 align = 1 parse('hudtxt '' "'..text..'" '..x..' '..y) end
4 21 51
players_online = 0 addhook("join","add_player") function add_player(id) 	players_online = players_online + 1 end addhook("leave","remove_player") function remove_player(id,reason) 	players_online = players_online - 1 end addhook("second","player_hud") function player_hud() 	for id = 1,32 do 		if player(id,"exists") then 			display_player_hud(id) 		end 	end end function display_player_hud(id) text = ("©000255000| Players online : "..players_online.." |") y = 50 x = 100 align = 1 parse('hudtxt2 '' 1 "'..text..'" '..x..' '..y..' -1') end