
Stranded II Survival Guide
26 replies
and butterfiles only reduces by 250
no, you can carry 500g more per butterfly.
so please dont spread wrong facts.
if it's 250g for you you most likely play a mod but this thread is about the original game.
Best way to survive

Kiwi breedings and fences have more uses than what he said. sure, a kiwi isn't that much meat, but if you wait a lot of days, you can gather all of them for the meat and TAME A ******* raptor. a raptor is the ultimate machine which you can ride. (10 small meat or 5 big meat to tame I THINK you can tame a lion by giving it some bones or using vine maybe?) A fence can give you ultimate protection from lions and some protection from raptors. you can build a fence around the lion spawn area so you will be safe from any random lion attacks. you can build a fence around YOURSELF so you will be safe from any random lion attacks. u can even build a fence around your defense towers so that the hostile animals can't destroy it. basically a fence can defend you, especially when you build one on top of a first one.
now onto the TORCHES! a torch is an amazing set of AWESOMENESS which never goes out, so you can set everything on FIRE (but pls dont do that all your resources will be gone) you can burn down an enemies' camp (if the multiplayer gets popular or when S3 comes out) and you can even set fire to a campfire instead of finding flint or using bark + fire. you can also burn a piece of wood and cook there if you can't find your camp and you need fried food NOW. a torch is also good for melee burning MONKEYS which you can melee them up, just use a strong melee wep lika SCYTHE which he did also not mention

i guess what i am trying to say is;
if you want to be a TOTAL noob and crunch out on this guy's advice that helps u up until the 20th day, be my guest. (even tho some of his advice was ok) but if you want to live for 2531 days or more, then find out amazing stuff in the amazing island in STRANDED!
(its not even his fault, all the newbies are getting way too hungry for info even though you can just find most of it out urself)