This topic will be a collection of my Hungarian translation. I will show the progress in the first message, to make it consistent.

Current plans:

... it will grow over time (I will start in little steps. All good things come to those who wait. So, I learned that patience is a virtue, but waiting too long for something is commonly referred to as laziness. (And I don't want to reach that.)
Already finished:

Don't let the plans fool you, here are the details:
The translation of the base game is finished. It just need a place to upload it. I saw there is a section named "File Archive", and I have a question about it: can the users upload files to it and update it, or have an option to delete it, and upload a new version? The Stranded II website means that I'm planning a mirror in Hungarian language.
Currently I have a home server that have a 2Mbps ADSL connection and serves as a webserver. I use this method because I fed up with free webservers, and their poor PHP5 support. It has the negative effect that it can be slow, or unreachable sometimes. I plan to make it as a base of the Hungarian site.
Dear readers: I would like to hear about your opinion of this initiation. If I build the pack, is it worth to make a release after a plan is successfully finished, or it's better to make it a whole great pack? As Sir Thomas Wyatt wrote: Patience shall be my song. (From "He seeketh comfort in patience.")
You can download the latest version from the File Archive.
Version history:
S2HLP v0.1
+ System files translated. (37 files)
+ Fonts (Latin-2) updated for hungarian letters. (7 files)
+ Intro map translated. (1 file)
+ Hungarian voices recorded. (30 files) - Currently not included in the downloadable pack.
S2HLP v0.2
+ Adventure maps translated (3 files)
+ Skill files (5 files)
+ Hungarian voices recorded. (30 files) - It's now included in the downloadable pack.
S2HLP v0.3
+ Script files translates (18 files)
+ Adventure maps translated (4 files) - now all is included
S2HLP v0.4
+ Intro map syncronized with my voice.
+ Map scripts checked (94 files) - now the maps have proper translations.
S2MPHLP v0.1
+ Translation of the Oracle Files' multiplayer mod, which was released on 21st April 2012.
S2MPHLP v0.2
+ Translation of the Oracle Files' multiplayer mod, which was released on 6th June 2012.
+ 16 multilplayer capable map.
S2MPHLP v0.3
+ Complete translation of the Oracle Files' multiplayer mod, which was released on 25th November 2012.
+ New voice recordings (30 files)
Ernesty The Creator
edited 4×, last 01.04.13 10:31:35 pm