
why doesn't DC get help for his games?
6 replies

He already said he doesn't need anyone else in unrealsoftware developing games.
I currently don't want other people to help developing (programming) the games. This is my very own decision and it would be great if people could understand and respect this decision. I know that some people don't understand it because we already had the same topic here before.
Working in a team is an completely different thing which is not what I want to do now. It limits my freedom and it requires additional team management (something I don't want to care about). Moreover it makes you somehow dependent.
Oh and just another important point: Many people think that a team would automatically speed-up the development, resulting in more updates and features (I guess that's why people are creating threads like this one). However: This is just wrong! Developing in a team can even be slower. All people in the team have to work together the right way and everything has to be planned much better which takes a lot of time. Sure, a team can be more efficient than a single person, but that's hard to achieve. Especially for small-medium projects like the games of Unreal Software.
You can still support Unreal Software, the games and me in many other ways:

yeah. DC is right. This is why i always work alone in cs2d or cs 1.6
Team can make things worse than you alone.
I respect that he wont to work alone.
FIrst of all it is waste of time cuz DC need to give them objectives on what to do and control it if is it allright and if is it wrong than remake it... in other words it is bad. It is not like working in office When every developmer of game is next to you can the OPERATOR can say them what to do and control it.
This is something different.
DC i like your job and keep the good work up.

Flacko has written
He already said he doesn't need anyone else in unrealsoftware developing games.
Yes. thats true. Maybe someone wants work on US.de for free but DC don't want help. I think he is lazy like us

But yeah, maybe donate him and it will be awesome.