
If you come up with bad results, dont worry since we will have other skinners look at it!
If you have any questions/problems with theese selections, please feel free to post here your inquiry!

clothe is of slyterin bugs ? talk to me in skype or send me pm menssagen

i will post clothe i will return of school
Marcio souza santos filho has written
demo tileset

I am not going to work with these. I mean they are nice but tiles quality is low. This is my oppinion

maPmaKer has written
I am not going to work with these. I mean they are nice but tiles quality is low. This is my oppinion 

And my op(p)inion is that they're looking like pokémon or super mario, not like Harry Potter. Sorry mate.
Admin/mod comment
Don't quote posts that long. /TheKilledDeath Marcio souza santos filho has written
clothe on player
clothe is of slyterin bugs ? talk to me in skype or send me pm menssagen
i will post clothe i will return of school
clothe is of slyterin bugs ? talk to me in skype or send me pm menssagen

i will post clothe i will return of school
Slytherins does not wear T-Shirts!

DaKnOb has written
Since there are a load of skinners, I will give each one a job to do.
FiiD [Head Skinner]
If you come up with bad results, dont worry since we will have other skinners look at it!
If you have any questions/problems with theese selections, please feel free to post here your inquiry!

If you come up with bad results, dont worry since we will have other skinners look at it!
If you have any questions/problems with theese selections, please feel free to post here your inquiry!
Well, I guess I'm doing nothing then

Eclipse has written
Well, I guess I'm doing nothing then
DaKnOb has written
Since there are a load of skinners, I will give each one a job to do.
FiiD [Head Skinner]
If you come up with bad results, dont worry since we will have other skinners look at it!
If you have any questions/problems with theese selections, please feel free to post here your inquiry!

If you come up with bad results, dont worry since we will have other skinners look at it!
If you have any questions/problems with theese selections, please feel free to post here your inquiry!
Well, I guess I'm doing nothing then

Students are hard to make so you can do either them or the professors...
griffindor skin

revenclaw skin

Hufflepuf skin

slyterin skin

online need the heads

edited 5×, last 29.10.10 12:06:03 am

Marcio souza santos filho has written
skinner Marcio Students Skins like dont like i make a new
griffindor skin

revenclaw skin

Hufflepuf skin

slyterin skin

griffindor skin

revenclaw skin

Hufflepuf skin

slyterin skin

I am nοt pοstίng the scrίpt...
online need the heads

BTW about the skins...
They are not so good, they look like low quality... Also try watching some Harry Potter films to see how the real suits are.
edited 1×, last 29.10.10 02:44:42 pm
Anyways, I can't really help with anything except my fair Lua experience, so I wish you all good luck and many many downloads and visits in future! This mod must be continued in the way it lives right now.
i making a new skins my last skin dont like i exit
Marcio keep working on the need more shading and other colors