
batlaizys has written
Will there be forbidden forest

Well we dont realy know but i think so
Time has written
I'll be dealing with the tiles and maybe with some maps too. Even if this will not succeed something must come out of it. Like skins, maps, luas... So It's not that doomed as many of you may think.
Thanks for helping us/me

batlaizys has written
Will there be forbidden forest


HaRe has written
Imma write abit what the mod is going to have in v1 and v2
Player Skins (Random on spawn)
Admins skins ( Random proffesors such as Snape )
Good looking spells(Expeliarmous, Stupify etc. )
Experience ( Get trought Fighting and lessons )
Learn more spells
Start in an village
players above 10 000 experience can go out from the school trought commands
!school < Go back to school
!forest < Go out
And more places
Switch Spelling Attacks to Normal Attacks
Shops, Buy swords
Buy animals ( Dragons, Flying mounts, Mounts and more )
Different Story Characters with special skills!
Team: ( Wich i know yet lol )
HaRe -- Ideas & Scripter
DaKnOb -- Ideas & Scripter
Skipper -- Mapper i think ???
If i forgot some one tell me -.-" DaKnOb havent tell me yet whos in the team and whos not


Team: ( Wich i know yet lol )
HaRe -- Ideas & Scripter
DaKnOb -- Ideas & Scripter
Skipper -- Mapper i think ???
If i forgot some one tell me -.-" DaKnOb havent tell me yet whos in the team and whos not
Skipper will have a helper, maPmaKer!!!

Hope this project is gonna have succes

batlaizys has written
Hmm you could ask Snake Eater to use his p228 lua, because it is good lua for changing spells 

Hes script fails so i wont use hes script, But i will make my own script wich looks like hes script but more effectiver.
Since hes script is for "New Game" server's
Mine will be for "Dedi" servers wich will have more futures
I may help here too, I'm helping with HL mod too (NTD's and Phenixtri's mod)..
Btw, Daknob,MapMaker, And others in the team, get Skypes.
I forgot my Skype, but HaRe will tell you guys, .. this is just so we know what are we doing.
P.S. I can't help with something too complicated.
@maPmaKer: I hope we can work well together, mate.
Add me: daknob
I will try to give you info on what to do, right when I have some time!

With High School its hard to access my PC. I post only from iPhone but I am accessing it as much as I can!
So we are waiting the tileset until Skipper and maPmaKer start to work on the map!
HaRe is working on the spell script and I got some cool ideas I will try to add as well...
What we need from skinners: Wands, Professor Clothes*, Student Clothes**, Tilesets and anything else you can think or mappers ask for! Everyone can make something and post it here! We will pick the best later on!
*Every professor has different clothing.
**We need 4 student clothes, one for each house.
Also, my professor looks like "Professor Snape", except shes woman... Imagine Snape girl... thats her.

The Camo has written
I'll try to make something.
Also, my professor looks like "Professor Snape", except shes woman... Imagine Snape girl... thats her.
Also, my professor looks like "Professor Snape", except shes woman... Imagine Snape girl... thats her.

Hahaha! Nice one!
For students we need Grifindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuf and ... Hmmm... Ravenclaw!
sorry for this english