the cs2d source is a very old version, DC didn't want to release the cs2d "max" source code because many people used the source code to hack the game.
the s2 source code is the newest version.
simple rule: If it has Multiplayer: closed source because of hackers, USGN exploiting, uniformity, integrity etc. (I also simply don't want people to modify my multiplayer games!) Singleplayer only: open source
Carnage Contest: closed source
Minigolf Madness: nobody cares, I guess it is closed source.
Counter-Strike 2D: closed source, old (Blitz3D) version is open source
I think DC should release the source code of the last non-Max version, b0.1.0.4. It doesn't have USGN support anymore so no advantage to hackers anymore. And since this has lots of new features and fixes than the first ooooollllldddd one, some expert modders like Blazzingxx (he made a Source version of CS2D) would have less dificulty and more features/less bugs for their mods!
Pfff, Hackers. I don't understand this.
CS2D or any application which is available in bytecode on your harddisk is hackable even if the source code is secret. You just have to know a little bit assembler (x86 for example). It is possible with a simple memory editor like Cheatfinder 1.3 (for Windows) to edit your own cash/health/armor the quick and dirty way. Other cheats surely can be explored by debuggers. Oh, and don't say "Hey, then I build in anti-debugging mechanisms". These mechanisms are still part of the application which is going to be debugged. Anti-debugging mechanisms can be circumvented, too.
The only thing you can do is making cheating in CS2D harder, but not impossible.
The problem is not that CS2D is hackable, the problem is the some CS2D hackers are around. I always kicked cheaters in the ass out of my server which seemed to be the best working solution since CS2D knows cheaters.
Unfortunately, the default votekick is not very flexible so a server needs a better vote system. I scripted one some time ago.
All anti-cheater mechanisms you tried epicly failed. The speedhack detection for example STILL kicks innocent people so I keep it turned off.
So please, don't tell me CS2D is not hackable just because the source code is closed.
So please, don't tell me CS2D is not hackable just because the source code is closed.
I never said that.
nobody in this thread ever claimed that the game is unhackable or that it is possible to make a game unhackable at all.
also nobody claimed that there are good protections against cheats/hacks in CS2D (this is unrelated anyway).
moreover nobody said that there are no hacks/cheats with closed source (in fact it is closed source and there are tons of cheats/hacks. everybody is aware of that)
I'm just saying that ONE of the reasons for not releasing the source code is that it would be EVEN EASIER (!) to develop (advanced) clients for cheating. I probably didn't explain that accurately enough. Sorry for that.
If you can't accept the cheat development as reason: I put so freaking much work into this project that I simply don't want to release it as open source. I don't want other people to edit this code. People have to tolerate that.