I got one very simple qustion, Will UnrealSoftware.de have a chat box?
If DC answered this it would be pleasure...
Admin/mod comment
Bad title. The title should describe your question/problem. Changed /TheKilledDeath Yea, it wouldn't make sense to have a chatbox/shoutbox when you have a forum. It would probably lead to confusion.
Sources: I've asked a few years ago
. Doctor Freeman: Just log out every time you won't use unrealsoftware anymore. And don't save your password. TheKilledDeath has written
Doctor Freeman: Just log out every time you won't use unrealsoftware anymore. And don't save your password.
ok TKD , I'll remove the saved passwords and logout everytime.... I think its the same person who makes the threads, Look how they both highlight words.. Bullcrap, you do this a lot. You make a stupid, immature, pathetic thread and then blame your little brother. You guys have the same grammer, spelling and vocabulary, so either you are mentally challenged or your little brother isn't the one who is posting. do you want a picture of my little brother?, I'm not lying because he always do the same thing what I do and we are twins..
a picture of my little bro ![IMG:https://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1362.snc4/163470_111592702245494_100001842949443_98617_7592327_n.jpg](https://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1362.snc4/163470_111592702245494_100001842949443_98617_7592327_n.jpg)
that was me when I was 12 yrs old and now he just looks like me because he is 12 yrs old but now I'm 15!!! so Don't blame me blame my FUCKING BRO!
and one morething.... I only use bold at names now! and except he Doesn't had Glasses !!!
Doctor Freeman has written
... and we are twins..
that was me when I was 12 yrs old and now he just looks like me because he is 12 yrs old but now I'm 15!!!
Uhm, sounds like a lie? how "might" you be twins when you are 3 years older than he is? TheKilledDeath has written
Doctor Freeman has written
... and we are twins..
that was me when I was 12 yrs old and now he just looks like me because he is 12 yrs old but now I'm 15!!!
Uhm, sounds like a lie? how "might" you be twins when you are 3 years older than he is?
sigh if you don't believe me just ban me if you want or just other...
Well if you say you are twins that means you are the same age, so ur twins with a 12 year old..? Underage + Spammy + useless posts. LETS BAN HIM!
( just joking
) "twins" that means the same face =.= No, "twins" are children that are concieved from a single egg cell and 2 sperm cells, which splits the egg cell into 2 or more, producing twins which are born usually within hours from eachother. If you like you can google it. Well, it doesn't seems like you are fifteen years old..