Admin/mod comment
"Why there is no..." pointless topic. says NOTHING about the content! please avoid that in future! fixed! I'd say 1 interesting thing:
There isn't id 7;
There isn't id 77 AND 78;
There IS id 6666;
There isn't id 7777 AND 7778;
what do you think about 78 and 7778? May some mystic numbers can destroy US? DC has written
Yasday has written
Eine Frage:
Was ist eigendlich mit der US ID #10 passiert?
Wurde einfach der Account gelöscht oder gab es den garnicht?
Sry wenn das jetz nerft, aber bin halt neugierig .
MfG Yasday
die fehlenden IDs kommen von accounts die zwar angelegt wurden, aber nicht per mail aktiviert wurden und somit wieder gelöscht wurden.
das ist nicht nur bei 10 der fall sondern auch bei sehr vielen weiteren IDs.
viele haben mich auch schon gefragt ob sie nicht diese niedrigen IDs haben können für ihren account, aber ID änderungen nehme ich definitiv nicht vor.
It's german but it says what you want to know.
The Accounts are Accounts that were made by people who didn't activate them per E-Mial, thats everything it says.
@Mods Please no Spam mark because of this
I just wanted to show them why. Maybe the accounts got deleted because somewhat.
When you regist you get your own number, not a number from a deleted user, that's way some are missing. guy with id 666 die when check his mail... I can't see anyone with the US ID #666.
There are many people that are too lazy to activate their accounts. why do you even care about missing ID's? It doesn't change anything if theres an ID 7777 or not DC Admin
yeah, it's about the database system. the account ID simply increments whenever a new account is created. there's an internal counter for that. accounts will be deleted after a while if people forget to activate them or if they entered wrong email addresses. this is why there are unused IDs. the database doesn't care and I don't care either.
you can also see this in the userlist:
the highest ID currently used is 41.494
but there are only 32.500 users in the database.
about 9.000 users created an account and did not activate it.
I already received several requests from users who wanted to get another ID. I'm not doing that*! so please don't ask!
*) well... maybe if you pay 100€ or more