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### Beta - 25.03.2011
Editor: Move whole map ignored tiles left / at bottom of map
Editor: Move whole map did not update trigger relation lines
Editor: "Entity graphics" display setting did not work
Editor: info_noweapons property menu was misplaced
Editor: env_npc Snark selection bug
Tile alpha channel/transparency (PNG) is now rendered properly
ai_say and ai_sayteam did not work
Money has been reduced if you skipped repairing using objectdamage
Spraylogos are not rendered above trigger_use buttons anymore
Killing a player in its Lua hit-hook without return 1 caused bugs
Sometimes more than one player received +3 score for defusing
You can't vote to kick yourself anymore
Wrong response for vote attempts when voting was disabled
Editor save window didn't remember map name after first save
NPC spawn bug on some non-square maps
Building re-spawn bug on some non-square maps
menu_svreqdelay is now 30 ms again by default (instead of 50)
Idle kick now has its own kick message
No damage/direction indicators when hit by silenced weapon
mp_roundtime maximum value increased from 15 to 99
info_nofow entity re-enabled (hides Fog of War in 3x3 area)
debug mode (including FPS display) is now disabled by default
Super supply RPG Launcher replaced with Molotov Cocktail
You now don't see full rank info of other players by default
Improved NPC effects and sounds
Increased NPC default health values
You can now join the round 30 secs (default) after roundstart
Remote Lua execution (via rcon) disabled for more security
Minimal lag compensation change (probably doesn't help)
Hovering the U.S.G.N. login state will show your U.S.G.N. ID
Dynamic Lua image tween animation system
HUD Text tween animation system
Snarks now explode when they die, causing additional damage
Attack buffer to minimize server sided attack packet drops
List of items for (super) supply can now be changed
Warning when running game in program files or temporary folder
Stop button for serverlist (stops loading of new servers)
Tiles can now be rotated (middle mouse key in editor)
Each tile on map can have own brightness setting
Each tile on map can seamlessly blend with an adjacent tile
Editor grid can now be toggled with hotkey G
Disabled Lua menu buttons can be created with brackets
In-game server menu has now add/remove favorite button
Optional fog of war while spectating a player
Forced spectating-fog in "spectate own team only" mode
Friendslist context menu option "View Profile"
Auto-Update function for future updates (Win client only)
Command mp_postspawn (time allowed to spawn after roundstart)
Command mp_radar (enable/disable radar)
Command mp_supply_items (list of items for supply)
Command hud_fullrankinfo (show full rank info of other players?)
Command hudtextcolorfade (hud txt color fade animation)
Command hudtextalphafade (hud txt alpha fade animation)
Command hudtextmove (hud txt move animation)
Lua Command reqcld (request client data like cursor position)
Lua Command tween_move (move image animation)
Lua Command tween_rotate (rotate image animation)
Lua Command tween_rotateconstantly (rotate image constantly)
Lua Command tween_alpha (image alpha fade animation)
Lua Command tween_color (image color fade animation)
Lua Command tween_scale (scale image animation)
Lua Hook clientdata (when reqcld response arrives)
Lua Hook objectupgrade (when building is upgraded)
banip, banname and banusgn have temp ban time parameter
NPC: Vortigaunt (with melee and ranged attack)
NPC: Soldier (ranged attack)

edited 1×, last 29.05.11 06:33:19 pm