Sorry for my old text, Now all will be normal...
And sorry me for my bad english...
I dont so good speak english, and i dint know what is it "plot"
BUG in the second (2) mission was fixed!!!

Description: Single Player
You playing for one of the subjects, you're number is 13872.
In the bigining you will be play tutorial map, then begin the real tests. There are 14 tests, thats you most pass to be a winner. Here are emulated energy balls and turrets (their models was chenged for CS2D "Engine"),
also here got electricical floor. The end also is changed.
We have made easy maps, for all campaing maps, because sometimes here is really hard.
Description: MultiPlayer
Here's got also multiplayer maps. Some maps are remakes from the original CS2D and other maps are full created by our clan. Here are maps of the all classic classifications (as, dm, dom, con, aim). Also we have made Cooperative DeathRun for 5 peoples.
DownLoad: (MOD is only english)
#1 Russian download, was fixed now is .zip
#2 English download (thanks to Ax3)
If you dont speak russian use GoogleChrome to translate or some another soft. (When you trying download Portal2D there are language options (up))
edited 5×, last 13.07.11 11:33:27 am