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English New +1/ Reputation Button?

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Poll Poll

Good idea or not?

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18.46% (7)
71.54% (28)
39 votes cast

old Re: New +1/ Reputation Button?

BANNED Off Offline

No, only "rep -" because you have no signature, that means that you ain't cool guy. How about tons of useless banners and some shit like "I will rate 1/5 all the noob skins"?

old Re: New +1/ Reputation Button?

User Off Offline

Good idea! +1 Rep!
Oh wait it's not implemented yet.

(It's a bad idea. Fake users will give +1 to himself. Also, what's the point?)

old Re: New +1/ Reputation Button?

User Off Offline

@Dream catcher : You know that the person who would have the hart to in a dishonoring way make another account to give himself more rep would most probably have an IQ of 5 (Or 9 years old).Therefore wont be capable that. He wont bother... Well, I'm just supposing (Because something tells me you'll do it lol... ). Oh and BTW, mind pm'ing ,me that software lol?

@Textual Context : Read the topic (thread) before posting genious. As I already mentioned, the rep/... button can be limited to the forum section, that means there wont be a rep button for uploads. Besides, there's already the ratings in the upload section.

@0A: Maybe somewhere under the 'edit' and 'quote' button? +what i said to oxy,aka dreamcatcher (I know about IP's but you really think someone would bother that much just for some extra rep? ) (Oh, and I lvoe boobs too. lol)

@Vetle: Lol man.

@Rage and Redfrix: Thanks

Just to tell you guys, I'm more in a in-between situation, I'm not for or against the idea. Just an Idea (Primarily I was for, but started thinking about a lot of bad things about it... so I just shared the idea lol... )

I'll soon update the first post with 'Cons' & 'Pros'

old Re: New +1/ Reputation Button?

Moderator Off Offline

Okay, for the love of god, there's a poll, we don't need singled worded answers here. If you have to post, please bring something substantial (like justification for your reasoning) to the discussion please!

old Re: New +1/ Reputation Button?

User Off Offline

But DC could make, that you need 100 posts to give rep.
And maybe that you give the user the +rep/-rep and not the post. (only 1 time)

edited 1×, last 29.07.11 12:54:36 am

old Re: New +1/ Reputation Button?

Admin Off Offline

it would fail because people would create double accounts to boost their own rep and I don't want to care about this shit.

old Re: New +1/ Reputation Button?

User Off Offline

Bad Idea Many people will just -1 Rep just like unfair ratings to their files! And this will attract more trolls (Some Trolls are allowed) to -1 Rep all of us bad idea!

old Re: New +1/ Reputation Button?

User Off Offline

If this options for funny can you not using reputation+1 but using cendol, and bata (brick)

I will sent cendol and bata image if DC accept my suggestion too, cendol = +1 bata = -1

Cendol is like a greentea but it solid and it delecious
Bata as you know it's brick On our community bata used for making some reputation -1 We use bata because we thinking or imagine we throw them a brick because their post is Violate rules or useless

old Re: New +1/ Reputation Button?

User Off Offline

How about just a "+1" or "like"? Like Google+ and Facebook.
Now there wouldn't be revenge-reputation. Users could +1 a thread if it was really useful (could only vote once, like in voting polls), and if the thread received enough rep it would have a highlight or something.
Now I know you'll say "oh, but users will create new accounts to rep themselves". Yeah, maybe, but that happens to the uploads too (not too often afaik). And to avoid that, it should appear a small list which the users could open, like this:
> People that gave rep to this post
More >

But hey, this is just an idea. Kind off better then +1 AND -1.
But I know DC is lazy and wont do this.

old Re: New +1/ Reputation Button?

Moderator Off Offline


Thumbs up if you think this mod gointa be shit!

(3 people liked a thread/post)
3 people deserve a medal

Don't make it youtube.
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