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English CS2D Pre-Release for Testing

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old Re: CS2D Pre-Release for Testing

User Off Offline

Shadow and light is not working on laser mines (planted on the walls)
Shadow and light work on the laser shoot(flash) and beam from a dependence on rotation player.

Flashlight only works if the player stands on the tile with light or shadow.

old Re: CS2D Pre-Release for Testing

User Off Offline

Oy DC for the sake of saving time it would be best to simply list all of the found bugs of the 1st page since people are too lazy to read the whole thread >>

I could do it when I get some free time but I have to find a way to get out of jury duty atm

old Re: CS2D Pre-Release for Testing

User Off Offline

user Phenixtri has written
I could do it when I get some free time but I have to find a way to get out of jury duty atm

you dont have to go.. just throw the letter int he trash. they wont do anything to you.. thats what my family does.. and everyone else i know does.. haha..

ontopic.. i hope this will b released soon.. i have a feeling these updates will make the game funner.

old Re: CS2D Pre-Release for Testing

User Off Offline

yea i live in a Republican up tight state and they ahev arrested ppl before for more pointless shit than skipping jury duty Not that easy to get out of it with these pricks in charge.

old Re: CS2D Pre-Release for Testing

User Off Offline

user DC has written
please read the whole thread before posting. your screenshot is pointless because this has already been mentioned and also commented by user SQ

I'm not going to read the whole thread like a dumb asshole.You better make a list of things that was already readed by you.

old Re: CS2D Pre-Release for Testing

Moderator Playing CS2D

user MAX-russia has written
user DC has written
please read the whole thread before posting. your screenshot is pointless because this has already been mentioned and also commented by user SQ

I'm not going to read the whole thread like a dumb asshole.You better make a list of things that was already readed by you.

This was either really smart sarcasm or a really dumb comment, and I think it's the latter after all.

old Re: CS2D Pre-Release for Testing

Admin On Online

@user MAX-russia: the past tense of "to read" is "read" (just another pronunciation. "readed" does not exist.) + I'm not going to read everything and to create a list "like a dumb asshole" because I have better things to do. IF you want to post something read the whole motherfucking thread. it's like that in EVERY thread!
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