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English CS2D Pre-Release for Testing

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old Re: CS2D Pre-Release for Testing

User Off Offline

I keep getting EXCEPT_ACCESS_VIOLATION when I scripting using
I think it probably some kind of bug... maybe it's because I put "for... something[a]=b... end" inside a "function... end". Can someone help me?

old Re: CS2D Pre-Release for Testing

Moderator Playing CS2D

user tom282f3 has written
I keep getting EXCEPT_ACCESS_VIOLATION when I scripting using
I think it probably some kind of bug... maybe it's because I put "for... something[a]=b... end" inside a "function... end". Can someone help me?

You can't use a table in loops anyway. It can only be a variable, i.e. a, and not a[b]. Otherwise it should be fine.

old Re: CS2D Pre-Release for Testing

User Off Offline

user EngiN33R has written
user tom282f3 has written
I keep getting EXCEPT_ACCESS_VIOLATION when I scripting using
I think it probably some kind of bug... maybe it's because I put "for... something[a]=b... end" inside a "function... end". Can someone help me?

You can't use a table in loops anyway. It can only be a variable, i.e. a, and not a[b]. Otherwise it should be fine.

I mean this:
for XXX in ipairs(YYY) do

old Re: CS2D Pre-Release for Testing

User Off Offline

Something i would like to be possible, etility on top of an other etility, in other words more than 1 etility on a block of a map, when you scope with the awp, blur the area around, instead of black (by blur i dont mean baerly), add the looser´s smarter bots lua, add gungame as a gamemode, if its possible upgrade the shadows, they look awfull making them more darker just makes it crappier, explosive rounds for the zombie mod (when you hit the zombie the rounds explode and its slows it a bit, lasersight allso for the zombie mode, headshot (as that script that was made when you get killed fom a current angle you get headshotted), flashlight as far as i saw on this pre-release its just the alarm from the etilities-objective it would be better to use that from the script (cant renember the name of the guy), improve the vote menu since the old one is a bit... , add the lua that happy camper made (the admin one), make a bit more zombie maps or add some from the files in unrealsoftware, allso add some maps in clasic mode/construction allso from the unrealsoftware ones, i had a bit more ideas, but currently i cant renember.

old Re: CS2D Pre-Release for Testing

User Off Offline

Waw DC, this is amazing

Also... M134 =

I would like the M134 to be a little like in TF2 though. Right now it fires almost instantly when you mouseclick. I'd like the gun to have a little bit of speed-up time each time you shoot it, before actual bullets comes out.

Also, the gun should weight more when it is spinning, and should be lighter, when it's not.
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