StirlizZ-Fapicon has written
I got error when using Env_room or Env_LightStripe
You must change light effects in options (turn on)
Infinite Rain has written
Why didnt u add KEYBOARD Hook!
My life is ended T.T
Keyboard hook = not possible, as said 999999 times before in the past.
Anyway, well done, big thumbs up to Blaze for the awesome shadow engine.
EDIT: Aww, can't seem my name when I get the satchels.
That sucks. lol. edited 1×, last 24.12.11 11:21:36 am
DC, Is there only 2 LUA changes?!
I want more
I found a bug when you add new items to buy menu, all of them are stacked in handguns submenu If you plant the wallmines near the monster respawn, the monster stop to respawn.
If you let an sanchet explode near the monster respawn, they still respawn.
No logic, or a bug. Why zombies got flashlight? And their night vision isn`t working Test version? Guess my downloader is only 56% because it's not yet done.
kk i found how to change sub menus now but now if I put more than 9 weapons in one submenu 10th and next ones won't show up at all. In addition there is no way to make them team specific for eg: everyone can buy m4 if you will add it DC Admin
yeah team specific buy menus are not possible with that command. also more than 9 items per section are not possible either. see
it's actually not normal that some people here seem to be able to flashlight through walls (take a look at the video for comparison - that's how it normally works). I guess
SQ will have to take a look at the light engine code for that. same for some of the other light engine related bugs that have been posted here.
I totally forgot those zombies in the "Zombies!" game mode. of course they will not be able to use flashlights and I will fix their zombie vision so it works like night vision. thanks for pointing that out!
@many satchel charges to cause crashes: read the changelog. I extremely optimized the explosion system. the game will render explosions with far less details if there are many at the same time. so many explosions should not make the game crash anymore on slow systems. you can try that yourself. SQ Moderator
Okay, let's start answering.. Long post is coming.
J4x has written
Flashlight passes under walls, I think it should have object detection.
Here the screen:
Flashlight already has object detection. It's a CS2D bug.
But if you want make flashlight to work right now.
DC forgot to initialize engine's collisions when Map shadows are not advanced.
Z- has written
i also believe the flashlight should show the dark even when your not int he dark itsself.. say your standing near the edge of the darkness.. it shud light it up
That was my decision to not calculate lights if they are not in the room,
because that's some sort of optimization for the speed I came up some time ago.
If I'll get engine to work even faster, I'll implement your suggestion into my engine.
J4x has written
Also the shadows are weird, even the side of the wall that is facing the light src is shadowed.
That is not a bug and it shouldn't work any different.
This is shading, well, basically calling "tile shade boarders"
It's just for graphics, that is not shadows, you should put them in values 1-2 to make a slight blurred line around the tiles.
0a has written
WOW, my skins on an official CS2D video. That is amazing :')
New release too!
Yeah, the video was by me. Those are in my fav. list.
StirlizZ-Fapicon has written
I got error when using Env_room or Env_LightStripe
Yeah, turn the light engine on.
This happened because of the optimization that I mentioned before in this post.
Hmm, I wonder if DC haven't made the same optimization thing what I did already in the engine.
Thanks, this will be fixed.
Turn the light engine on.
By the way, this thread is not a suggestion thread. edited 3×, last 24.12.11 04:03:20 pm
Bug found, You can't use back button at buy menu...
I'm not sure but maybe it happens after mp_buymenu That's so epic, but why hell i got ACCESS_VIOLATION after first launch of cs2d? Something with settings, because it fixed when i replaced "sys" directory. One thing: why flashlight works only if you in "room"? edited 1×, last 24.12.11 03:27:10 pm
Admin/mod comment
I explained that in a post above. /Blazing I guess CS2D don't like you much. is it normal when i try to go to Options menu it automatically switches from fullscreen to windowed ?
Oh, yes, I know. they are two suggestions and two bugs.
DC Admin
to everyone: please read the WHOLE thread before posting. you post the same stuff over and over again. it's really annoying.
also please do NOT send me bugs or ideas via pm! it makes no sense because other people can't see that it already has been reported that way. use this thread for new bugs from the test release and use the existing idea thread for suggestions. thank you. thank you dc i will hope this new version will be cool
DC has written
@many satchel charges to cause crashes: read the changelog. I extremely optimized the explosion system. the game will render explosions with far less details if there are many at the same time. so many explosions should not make the game crash anymore on slow systems. you can try that yourself.
I tried it, it's great, anyways, many satchel charges are useless; of satchel charges in all map, can be annoying.

DC Admin
pre-release updated
zombies were able to use flashlights
zombie nv was useless
flashlight going through walls when using simple shadows
crash when using light entities without light engine being enabled
back button didn't work in custom buy menus (mp_buymenu)
same download link