What is bethere ?MARK0 BANNED Offline 29.12.11 02:26:15 pm deathrun superhero gungame happytown zombie
Re: What is bethere ?Seekay Reviewer Offline 29.12.11 02:43:13 pm "Bethere"? What the fuck dude. It's "better". For fuck sake, how can you fail at THAT? Oh and, there are fuckillions™ of polls about gametypes. Vanillaservers are the best and now shut up.
Re: What is bethere ?Dark Slayer User Offline 29.12.11 02:48:42 pm I think zombie is the "betherest".
Re: What is bethere ?DannyDeth User Offline 29.12.11 02:52:16 pm "Bethere" is a non-existant word made up by your sorry use of spelling.
Re: What is bethere ?medeiros User Online 29.12.11 03:10:38 pm Seekay has writtenfuckillions™ Thank you.
Re: What is bethere ?3RROR User Offline 29.12.11 03:13:37 pm It's funny because the poll name is superhero.
Re: What is bethere ?ZombieHunterPL User Offline 29.12.11 04:40:56 pm He think it's been #1 And bethere or better?
Re: What is bethere ?Time User Offline 29.12.11 05:25:02 pm I appreciate your creativity but I had no idea what the thread was about until I read the comments. And then I facepalmed.
Re: What is bethere ?Krimhorn User Offline 29.12.11 05:35:44 pm I think bethere is best. Ekhm ... None of these ...
Re: What is bethere ?zygint User Offline 29.12.11 07:13:21 pm PL0x go to school to learn how to spell and the best for me is none in that list so yeah...
Re: What is bethere ?Frost321 User Offline 30.12.11 09:55:49 pm What is "bethere" ? Never heard of that word. Google is your friend. On topic: Zombie here.
Re: What is bethere ?DC Admin Offline 30.12.11 10:11:19 pm thread title: "What is bethere ?" poll question: "superhero" thread text: just a pointless repetition of poll "question"+answers trash. please don't try again.