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English Your request of spraylogo

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closed moved Your request of spraylogo

BANNED Off Offline

Hi us users!
I made this new topic for you to speak their countries and continents so I can make a spraylogo of your country...
so that I can do it properly, you need to read the requirements.

Requirements :
> Speak your country.
> Speak your continent
Every day I will be reading the comments!
But it only goes up to the 11th of June (Monday).
Maybe I can not do all requests, but I will always try!

When June 12, I'm going to start making all requests and when you are ready I will put here.

√ Thanks for participating.

old Re: Your request of spraylogo

Admin On Online

I don't get the point of this and nobody else seems to get it either. Also it's surely wrong in the Unreal Software section. Trashed.
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