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English CS2D Bug Reports

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old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

user SQ: Yeah. I wish that would be correct.

I was working on script using a smaller resolution previously. But when I tried to test my creation on newer resolutions I did not get the result I expected.

Tried with different mp_hudscale modes. But I guess mouse position on a map should be kind of constant through out every resolution in a game.

cs2d lua cmd reqcld has written
Mode 2: Absolute cursor position (cursor position on map, NOT influenced by mp_hudscale)

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

NVM found that someone made me download a corrupted menu.wav
edited 1×, last 02.05.17 05:47:42 pm

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

hello guys,

is there an opportunity to get the resolution of the client,
this is maybe important for the scale of pictures and the positions of hudtexts

EDIT: i found a few sec later the player screenw and screenh


old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

When you play with the new recoil crosshair, the game will still show you the old crosshair when you enter the buying menu.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Moderator Off Offline

@user saint-: That is intended. Dynamic crosshair should be shown only in gameplay, for menus we use standard cursor intentionally.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Playing CS2D

srsly, you don't need that dynamic one one the menus.. it would looks worst, since you have your pointer increased due to it's distance from you and walking speed. Won't be comfortable. That's why is sd. Anyway it's possible to make it always static while using menu so it won't be that worst.

and on the top position from player the crosshair more focused than on the down,

And by the way primary weapon icons looks very small, while all others are okay.(look screens)

bug with increasing that crosshair thing
If you watch it for ~1:30 you will see how nice i can attack everywhere.
idk what could it be.. Server' ping is okay, i'm not lagging on my own "new game"d server.. weird stuff:
edited 2×, last 02.05.17 08:28:22 pm

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

When you click on your username button above the console in the main menu the window that will be opened is still misplaced.
Same goes for anything you click in that window.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Moderator Off Offline

@user Mora: Did you just replaced exe file of cs2d?...
probably sys/weapons.cfg is missing in your cs2d.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user Iamle0: If you have scripts where you have an interaction between your mouse cursor and things on the map you can't use any cs2d cmd mp_hudscale modes other than 0 - at least not to render things which visualize this interaction with related positions.

It's a bit tricky and I just posted something wrong myself and edited it after thinking about it again.

The thing is: Your HUD stuff (hudtxt / Lua images) is scaled / centered when you use mp_hudscale > 0. BUT: The mouse cursor position SHOULD NOT (!) be scaled because otherwise hovering things on the map (which are always UNSCALED!) won't work. Your script basically is working with two different scale modes at the same time when you have mouse-map-interaction and mp_hudscale > 0 for visualization.

So if I'm not totally wrong and confused it is correct that cs2d lua cmd reqcld 2 is NOT affected by hudscale.

tl:dr; you can't use mp_hudscale in this case. At least not for output which visualizes mouse-map-interaction.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

Great update, but the env_light is not getting bigger than 128 pixels of radius even if i set it to something higger than that... lets say 255.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Playing CS2D

user SQ has written
@user Mora: Did you just replaced exe file of cs2d?...
probably sys/weapons.cfg is missing in your cs2d.

I'm used to delete anything and download new cs2d and install it in the new folder.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline


how to use player(id,"screenw") right?
if i use it, i get the right widht from the hostplayer,
but from the other players, i get zero


old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

While in the map editor with 3D mode activated, placing an Info_OldRender will disable 3D and make 40% of the screen black until you exit the map editor and enter it again.


old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

Entities has written
Switches the map rendering engine back to a compatibility mode for old CS2D versions. May be required to make some old maps work properly. Usage is NOT recommended for new maps.

maybe this helps?

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

user Cebra has written
Entities has written
Switches the map rendering engine back to a compatibility mode for old CS2D versions. May be required to make some old maps work properly. Usage is NOT recommended for new maps.

maybe this helps?

Was talking about the 30% of the screen becoming blank.

old Bug Report

BANNED Off Offline

I'm working on my own LUA script which is similar to the game called "Battlegrounds".
I was playing with HUD things. (scaling, image with mode 2)
By testing all options I had (changing scaling, changing image src, size, etc..) I found that image with mode 2 (HUD) results in problematic player identification circle.


• Image is initialized in join hook. (also tried spawn just in case)
• Mode 2
• Displayed only for player who has joined. (imgid saved in table)
bg.assets.playerHPBar[id] = image("gfx/battlegrounds/hpbar.png", player(id, "screenw")/2, player(id, "screenh") - 32, 2, id)
bg.assets.playerHP[id] = image("gfx/battlegrounds/hp.png", player(id, "screenw")/2, player(id, "screenh") - 32, 2, id)
• Removing image fix the problem. So the problem is definitive in image initialization with mode 2.
• Changing mp_hud cvar and mp_hudscale has no effect.
• Gamemode deathmatch

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user Rattle189: Info_OldRender is probably foobar and there is no reason anymore to use it. It's only there for backward compatibility for a few maps which are like 10 years old. I probably will not fix it and instead just remove that entity from the entity list in the editor.

@user Cloudy71: This issue has been addressed with a hotfix. To get it just re-download the zip version of the game (this one if you're using windows) and replace your CS2D(.exe) only

@user Cebra: This has also been addressed with the hotfix. Just re-download and replace the binary file (CS2D / cs2d_dedicated)

@user TMF: There is a size limit for lights. I think it's 256 but maybe that's the diameter so 128 for the radius would make sense if that's the case. Might also be a mistake actually that it is only 128 and not 256. Needs to be checked.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Moderator Off Offline

@user DC: Well, we should remove the light size limit in the next version. Or increase it twice by two types of lights 256 and 512 size.
Indeed, I agree that the light size limit should be higher.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Moderator Off Offline

Currently CS2D has two bugs occurring in Linux clients (at this moment I use Xubuntu 16.04.2 LTS on my box). The first one is kinda un-critical, the music intro doesn't seem to play what-so-ever despite having the right sound drivers (I can hear everything after the intro ends so that's not a problem) unlike Windows.

The second one is really serious though. Every language I want to change in Options > Game, CS2D stops rendering the graphics as the screen is froze but if I move the mouse and click randomly CS2D still responds to input commands such as when you click something in the menu. If I keep the language to English it doesn't happen that thing.
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