And also.... Can someone give me some tips how to get better with RPG? Thanks in advance
CS2D General Need advice for FWSL Superhero RPGNeed advice for FWSL Superhero RPG
6 replies 1
And also.... Can someone give me some tips how to get better with RPG? Thanks in advance
Well IDK but Uhm I think this could help... just remember these.
Use knife or wrench for fast movement
When you shoot. Go take cover quickly. Enemies can quickly counter-attack you because of the long reload
Take time on your aim. Aim on the enemey not on walls near them. That could work but they can easily counter-attack you
Avoid firing at the enemies when they're near you.
Don't fire at enemies that are really close,use a side arm or knife.
reload after you shoot
Run for cover if you are being fired at.
use smoke grenades to hide yourself and shoot at the enemies with your RPG
The RPG is a pretty hard weapon to get used to
try to practice a bit with bots
Aim First Then Shoot
use flash bangs to blind enemies and kill them (make sure your not in the same room as them)
If you are being shot at while reloading,make sure you have a smoke grenade,and a flash bang to escape.
take advantage of the enemies when using the RPG
Use your side arm to protect yourself when running from your opponents
You need to download the superhero script,maps,the whole thing!
I do.
First trade some points like 2-4 for
this guy that his power is no reload
run with a knife or a wrench
When a enemy comes to you
or you to him just shoot him and
run or take cover.
If you have the power i told you
to get the just switch to knife or
what ever you got on (e) and then
switch back to the rpg
If he's not dead then just dodge his
shots and keep doing what i listed above.