Scanning Entities"

Scanning Entities"

The old thread(s) already contain all ideas (and every single idea has been posted like 100 times).
Edit: Whatever, I just changed the title of the 0122 idea thread.
Edit: Whatever, I just changed the title of the 0122 idea thread.

Shouldn't that topic be sticked?
OT: I loved the in-line text colors feature.
Nice update btw.

EDIT: Btw, nice update and also update dedicated. We can't use dedicated since its not updated.
Two bugs(?) found:

Nice update!
Two bugs(?) found:
Unable to enter U.S.G.N. password in Linux (Ubuntu 12.10). Stars appear when I enter the password, but when I press Okay and open Options again they are gone. The client seems like it doesn't try to connect to U.S.G.N. at all.
In windowed mode (Linux too), the CS2D main window closes and re-opens when opening or applying Options. Not a big thing but a little bit annoying.
Two bugs(?) found:

I can confirm the first bug here in Arch Linux.
The 2nd bug occurs here too, but I got used to it. Lol.

In-line colors dont effect the console.
I actually found that bug earlier and reported it already to DC

He'll fix it.
also...the dedicated server console no longer uses line breaks LOL

how do i change the language cs2d uses? o-O