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English Unreal user - Reported!

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closed moved Unreal user - Reported!

User Off Offline

Hello , today I come to an event report:

playing CS2D come on my dedicated server and a player named "Destructor De Planetas" step they already account, and told me he was giving me hacker and checked an account is: "FERROTY", Has even more, an injector used threatened me because: We remove the Admin on my sv for abusing a lot and kick people and says to call starkkz it is your friend I will tell you what software take Unreal.

Think your DC so here...

old Re: Unreal user - Reported!

User Off Offline

Nobody cares about players on your server. *surpriiiise!*

Even if, we can't proof him being a real hacker without a magical poof. Nobody has a poof. Sorry for that.

Ban him and leave us in peace.

old Re: Unreal user - Reported!

Admin On Online

It's impossible to prove in a secure way that this or other stuff that happens on your server is really true. For that reason reporting users this way will never lead to any action. Please just don't do it. Thank you.
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