I know my question is simply basic.
But, i don't know how to make the hudtxt.
I try something like this but it doesn't work.
('hudtxt '..id.."Your money is:-"..money[id]..'10 420 Left')
Note* :-
I defined the "money[id]" Variable.
('hudtxt '..id.."Your money is:-"..money[id]..'10 420 Left')
parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 1 "©255255000Your Money: ©000255000'..money[id]..' " 12 408')
parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 1 "©255255000Your Money: ©000255000"..player(id,"money").." " 12 408')
parse('hudtxt2 ' .. id .. ' 10 "\169255255255Your Money is: '.. money[id] ..'" 100 200')