Unreal Software Discussion About ModeratorsAlso as I've (and 0a) mentioned, this topic is not about electing a new moderator so don't go off-topic.
Sometimes it's horrifying me when I see the condition of File Archive and is really sad. There are more people who upload bad/crappy files (well, is a bit exaggerating by saying "more" but still there are) than uploading good, awesome files for the Community.
Of course, there are some people who are still doing a good effort and work to upload awesome files however the number of bad files is increasing a bit. At least I'm quite happy that there is a moderator that take care of the File Archive (and yea is Rainoth) and other moderators too but I don't see so much activity on them when is coming about File Archive.
Maybe I go wrong or you disagree with me but I think you get the idea...
You can be dissatisfied all you want. It's not going to change. Most of the community members making contributions are 10-14 year olds so when making something:
A proper contributor's thoughts will be something like: "How do I mix strategy with fun without making my <map/script> boring after a few rounds?" or "I've created a <skin/sprite/spray/splash>. I wonder what else could I do to make it look more appealing"
A casual contributor's thoughts will be something like:
"Omg, gold silver and rainbow are best, I'll just put them on any <skin/sprite> and it's going to look AWESOME" or "Oh my god, this image I found in google is AMAZING, I'll take it, resize and create a <skin/splash/spray/sprite> and everyone can appreciate it too" or "WOW, this <map/script> has many lasers, super armor and everyone is friends and just look at these colored tiles, this is an epic map!"
It's a problem of users rather than what they upload. As long as there's kids, there's going to be crap files because different age groups define "good" in different ways.
edited 1×, last 20.05.15 07:32:51 pm
Re: Discussion About Moderators
Deleted UserI've been there. Rainoth has also been there. It's life.
Rainoth has written
@ GeoB99: I was mentioned *faints*
long as there's kids, there's going to be crap files because different age groups define "good" in different ways.
long as there's kids, there's going to be crap files because different age groups define "good" in different ways.
Well, I totally disagree with this. Even 18 years old guys can upload crap, when kids are making something creative that community loves. This doesn't happening often, but there are good uploads from kids, too. I don't think we need to disappoint younger ones. It's better to encourage their creativity.
To make matters worse, some users will praise and encourage bad creations out of sympathy, making improvement near impossible.
This is usually because younger people tend to be more egotistic and think highly of themselves.
I'll give you an example of what you THOUGHT I wrote:
"As long as there is kids on this forum, they will always upload crap files because they define "good" in different way"
Still unsure? You'll get it with time as you need to read a lot of English until you understand what each sentence and word means.
Until then, let me explain
What I said WASN'T "kids only upload crap files". I said "kids will upload crap files because they perceive what's "good" in a different way". I even gave examples, sheesh.
Still unsure of what I said. Ok then. A kid can upload a good file and everyone is happy. A grown person can upload a good file and everyone is happy. A kid can upload a bad file and he'll receive backlash from the community. A grown person can upload a bad file and he'll receive backlash from the community.
In other words. Everyone can create different files with different quality BUT A kid will start insulting, refuse to delete or fix his map and stay with his point that his file is awesome. A mature person (note how I don't say grown cause there are grown immature people too) will understand his errors and work to create something that everyone would like. So the problem is not SKILL (like you said) but MENTALITY (like I LITERALLY said)
@ J192: You're just elaborating on my point, which is fine but there's really no need to do it a thread about moderators. Mentioning the problem is fine (even if I agree with what you said).
Actually, I will see if I can change the thread into "Discussion about Moderators and their work" or if I should remove all this kind of off topic talk.
Re: Discussion About Moderators
Deleted Usermoderators (noun) refers to people who moderate this forum
moderators' work is a completely different thing.
Re: Discussion About Moderators
Deleted UserOk fine, let's delete this thread because apparantly moderation of moderators is off topic. Or perhaps you meant that overall work of non-specific moderator is off topic?
@ Yates:
Yea that's what we were discussing all that time. Thread went off topic when we started discussing if quality of the file is dependant on age.
Rainoth has written
"WOW, this <map/script> has many lasers, super armor and everyone is friends"
Hey, Super extra mod for CS2D (64) is great, don't compare it to the piss-yellow colored skins.
All I can do is to agree with lads above.
Remember the "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." rule.
@ Black Wolf: I personally ban for longer periods now but only section specific (Messages/Comments/Forum). Others give full bans but ban for shorter durations. Don't break rules and you won't have to worry about it.
What the hall happened with KimKat?
Why he is banned?