I know how to do that.
CS2D Mods Doom 2DI know how to do that.
Seekay has written
It will be more suitable to use Imgur for small or transparent images, like in Captione's case.@ J192: I was never arguing for or against Postimage. I was just saying that Imgur sucks as well.
However, like you said, large images (such as screenshots) will be compressed. So, it will be more suitable to use sites such as Screencloud and Snaggy for those.
It's like comparing a hammer to a screwdriver.
They don't do the same thing, but they get their own jobs done.
Although, if there are better alternatives for small/transparent images, please share, I'll appreciate it!
@ gamus: Still, you should stop using Postimage, it isn't very reliable. There are better alternatives like the ones I mentioned above.
I tried to make it more similar to original skin... So it took me about an hour.
edited 3×, last 07.08.15 10:10:11 pm
Pagyra has written
but while I doing my job, I do it better than most of others
You post pictures of unfinished mods and even tell people that they should use your unfinished mods. Whaa?
Fucking fantastic m8 8/8.
Yates: I have enough completed projects (At this moment I improve some of them to make it better than it is), and if mod have status "in development" that does not mean that it is not finished.
The difference from you I do not use someone else's code in my mods - Your mod based on Tibia, so no matter how much you edit it to change its code. I do not know what may claim a person(like you), who is not guarantee of true in his words.
Also, ask any programmer in the world - There is no point in reinventing the wheel. So why redo code when it's right in front of you ready for use.
Think before you type Pagyra, it might help you stop seeming stupid.
Admin/mod comment
§2.2 - Only meaningful contributions with added value gamus has written
Sorry guys, I was absent for quite a while. If I failed some of you, I am truly sorry.
What does this mean if you didn't quit?
so, yeah.
DWTFYW with this thread.
Oh well, shit happens.