And why u can open just one server?
MM would be more succesfull if there were more servers.

__________________________________________________________________________ :o: Keys :>: Helps you aiming in 45° Distance - [Shift] :>:Gives you Informations about the Objects you clicked - [right mouse button] :>: Scores/players - [Tab] :>: infos about the ball - [Alt] :>: Console - [^] :>: Chat - [Enter] _________________________________________________________________________ :o: Commands :>: /clear - Clear the chat Text! :>: /aimline - change the Aimline :>: [b]/nick - Change your nick. (Example /nick Saadi)[/b] :>: /me - Display Text as Action.. :>: /surrender - Give Up (Counts like 16 Impacts ) :>: /reset - Sets the ball to the start. :>: /skip (Server) - Skips the current Map :>: /restart (Server) - Restart Map :>: /kick (Server) - kicks a Player from the server __________________________________________________________________________ :*: SMILEYS: [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] :>: And this is the [b]ultimative Secret! Smiley[/b]: [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] = [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]