CC SkinsBlueDragon96 User Offline 29.01.11 08:59:24 pm Well those are new skins for CC. It contains SAS skin, FBI, cop, GSG-9 (not like in CS2D, newer style) and black ops special unit. Approved by Sparty (10.07.16 05:31 am) Download 11 kb, 729 Downloads
YoshiSmb User Offline 10.07.12 03:31:59 pm Coops? GSG-9? I like that is good! i give you 5/5 Good Work! I like it!
PeterToman COMMUNITY BANNED Offline 24.07.11 07:53:26 pm Max, when you will learn how to use these words: "know","no" ? Nice skins though. 3.5/5 I like it!
Ice-cream16 User Offline 30.01.11 01:16:21 pm Nice skins, but two skins same. MAX-russia just second Gold eye... I like it!
MAX-russia User Offline 30.01.11 01:13:22 pm I no lol.I no that this is cor carnage contest. A have carnage contest.
DannyDeth User Offline 30.01.11 12:56:20 pm Lol! Awesome! @MAX-russia: I highly doubt you even know this is for CC I like it!
Vectarrio User Offline 29.01.11 09:32:38 pm I like it very much, I like style of these things, and, MAX, you don't even play Cc (i think) ! I like it!