I've noticed that certain users create "flagship" skins and mods, or a certain weapon that is unique to them - Well, I decided to do exactly that, fill the gap that I had in my weapon inventory that people will now recognize as a typical "RamboFox" nutty creation

This here is the Bolt-Action Howitzer, a Rail Rifle built, designed and used by a particular character in one of my fictional stories - The actual character who's name is classified at the moment is able to use this monster of a rifle (which by the way fires a "beer-can" classified shell) because of his sheer strength, and, that he has the perfect build for using it - He's actually a snake/gecko hybrid, and being coldblooded of course means that there's little to no "hot" blood pulse that makes your hands shake for example.
Interestingly though, this rifle is the third generation in his large range of weapons, certainly something quite special.
Yes, it's big, yes, it makes little to no sense for this to be an actual weapon - The way that it is built is similar to the way that a Howitzer is made (as is evident of the bullpup-configuration for the loading gate and underslung magazine), and fires solid rounds (typically) for tank/bunker/anything busting.
How did I make this? Well first off I started off with a sketch, then I scanned it and made sure that when I was filling in the pixels that the shape form and proportions stayed true to my initial penned sketch. I then filled in the rest of the details in Paint.Net, gave certain spots some shine, and made the majority of the rifle have a matte plastic finish.
Here's the penned sketch if you're interested: http://www.unrealsoftware.de/u_scr/u3c88_4e05c98ds2.jpg
You may distribute and use this as needed, free of charge, providing you do not:

>>>Created by RamboFox (- Email address (only visible with login) -)
As a final note, if your vote is based on size of the weapon, I will disregard your opinions. I have decided to keep skinning CS2D with skins that are similar in size to the default CS2D weapon skin resources.
-Possibly even get a mod to delete your review.
I hope you enjoy my work!

Simply open the *.zip file, and then extract the "gfx" folders from within the three different variant folders ("Dusty Camo", "Matte Black" or "Stock Grey") to your CS2D directory, and accept that you want to overwrite the files that already exist. Then repeat the same process with the "sfx" folder, and dump it into your CS2D directory,

CounterStrike 2D Bolt Action Howitzer "Rail Rifle" by RamboFox (- Email address (only visible with login) -) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
edited 2×, last 07.06.12 01:21:43 pm
Approved by CY
766 kb, 534 Downloads