Stranded II vs. CS2DNew Rex User Offline 14.08.09 11:01:57 pm This is a classic "battle" between two different Unreal Software games. one 2D, the other 3D. Please don't come with "Oh, I like both." crap. Although I prefer CS2D, I've played and still like S2. Preferring one thing and liking one thing are two different things. So, witch one do you REALLY prefer? ___ CS2D FTW!
Re: Stranded II vs. CS2DNem User Offline 14.08.09 11:12:28 pm Atm cs2d is better than S2, imho, but S2 with multiplayer will be better than cs2d imho. i preffer cs2d now. but S2 rock too.
Re: Stranded II vs. CS2DJaller94 User Offline 14.08.09 11:41:12 pm Graphic: S2 Gameplay: CS2D But what is the best graphical game without a nice gameplay?! I'm not against S2, but CS2D is TOP!
Re: Stranded II vs. CS2DVibhor User Offline 15.08.09 06:48:42 am Well if stranded 2 and CS2D combine then it will create the best game Editor like CS2D with scripts of S2 will rock and a multiplayer of S2 will create history
Re: Stranded II vs. CS2DNew Rex User Offline 15.08.09 03:12:59 pm At this point, it may be only opinions BUT CS2D is owning. I knew it. I even added a link to share this often. ClickMePlz edited 1×, last 15.08.09 03:13:54 pm
Re: Stranded II vs. CS2Dsyntaku User Offline 15.08.09 03:21:18 pm Cs2d FTW however S2 with multiplayer would be good but my vote goes for cs2d
Re: Stranded II vs. CS2Dbezmolvie User Offline 15.08.09 03:48:37 pm S2 is a much more complicated and good game, although I can play CS2D
Re: Stranded II vs. CS2DSilent_Control User Offline 15.08.09 04:27:44 pm well, the reason i choose cs2d is because it is multiplayer ^^. EDIT: before my vote the score was 11-11. Now it is 12-11 for cs2d
Re: Stranded II vs. CS2DNew Rex User Offline 15.08.09 06:51:50 pm Silent_Control has writtenwell, the reason i choose cs2d is because it is multiplayer ^^. EDIT: before my vote the score was 11-11. Now it is 12-11 for cs2d And some other guy took advantage and voted on S2. 12-12
Re: Stranded II vs. CS2DVibhor User Offline 15.08.09 07:06:28 pm A combo is always better wish DC makes stranded 3 soon and adds simplicity of CS2D and scripts of stranded 2 to it (dont forget the multiplayer)
Re: Stranded II vs. CS2DWestbeam User Offline 15.08.09 07:19:34 pm S II I love it, Stranded II is cool. Its written in Blitz3D and Blitz3D is cool, too
Re: Stranded II vs. CS2DSilent_Control User Offline 15.08.09 07:46:51 pm argh 13-13. Come on CS2D, you can win! lol
Re: Stranded II vs. CS2Dspartan029 User Offline 15.08.09 10:11:41 pm Even though i like cs2d, i think S2 will win.
Re: Stranded II vs. CS2DSarim User Offline 15.08.09 10:31:45 pm CS2D!!! Stranded 2 is fun but a good game needs multiplayer! 14-14
Re: Stranded II vs. CS2DNew Rex User Offline 16.08.09 01:16:52 pm 18-15!!! CS2D is winning! Go! Go! Go! Roger that. Affirmative. Update 1 Still owning, 16-20. edited 1×, last 17.08.09 06:47:15 pm
Re: Stranded II vs. CS2Dspartan029 User Offline 17.08.09 06:49:57 pm If the german community knew about this they would be ALL OVER Stranded. If only i knew german gammitik. damn : P