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closed moved Why Remove?

BANNED Off Offline

Hi Admin

Why Remove My Lua (Citylife) ?

Please Answer!

old Re: Why Remove?

User Off Offline

1st. You claim the map is MADE BY YOURS. Not! It's by WFW
2nd. I think you stealed so many thing and you didn't put credits. Like the circle in SH.

And that's it.
Btw. I know i'm not Mod/Admin or something. But it's obiously why it's deleted

old What

BANNED Off Offline

1.I just give wfw map for orginal
and me very editor this map ...

2.stive very better make lua wfw

old Re: Why Remove?

User On Online

Don't steal files. Don't even use PARTS of the work of others without asking them first AND giving them credit. That's illegal! Your upload was deleted because it was at least partly stolen.

old Re: Why Remove?

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King-Arash has written
1.I just give wfw map for orginal
and me very editor this map ...

2.stive very better make lua wfw

Its obvious you didnt give us the map, Since when we had the first version ur clan had the first version then we edited it and had the other version and then poof ur server has the same version again, and so on... Thats so gay of u telling others u made the map

old Re: Why Remove?

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King-Arash has written
Ok Now This Lua In WebSite :


Wow. You're a non-give up guy. If it's illegal. THEN DON'T UPLOAD IT.

TheKilledDeath has written
Don't steal files. Don't even use PARTS of the work of others without asking them first AND giving them credit. That's illegal! Your upload was deleted because it was at least partly stolen.

So King Arash. (Rare name btw)
I think you want ban right?

old Re: Why Remove?

User Off Offline

He and that shitty Blocker are both stealers!

More >

old Re: Why Remove?

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Crazyx Advance has written
He and that shitty Blocker are both stealers!

More >

Yeah that was the reason for me to call him sad...
worst is that he fails at making some decent websites -> all kinds of cheap and ugly free scripts that don't fit in.

For instance his downloads page is just copied from :S

old ??

User Off Offline

WFW Gaming make that script ??? citylife (blocker) ?? i don't think so ! because i see on wfw gaming no addons , no vip , no trainee (CT BUT NOT FULL COMMAND) , no status png , anything i will say to you redfrix NO ! you say wfw gaming get stole ?? i don't think so every buddy have same script only little not same ... 100% same yow and posted by Redfrix/beckerchen/weiwen ...

don't be demon

only wanna get blocker citylife script ?? so only you can download and make citylife with script ?? and say it made by redfrix noob ... i never wanna play on redX anymore ... the server are bad ... the clan are bad every server on redx are bad !


redx tibia ?? cannot save money cannot fix it ?? oww it's not your script but you claim made by redfrix and on secret script ?? agh noobies

old Re: Why Remove?

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Tidusz please learn to write some decent English first I strongly doubt that anyone understands anything from what you wrote.

And yes, the original script was made by WFW. Editing a script doesn't mean one made it - it's still simply stealing.

old Re: Why Remove?

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Tidusz has written
WFW Gaming make that script ??? citylife (blocker) ?? i don't think so ! because i see on wfw gaming no addons , no vip , no trainee (CT BUT NOT FULL COMMAND) , no status png , anything i will say to you redfrix NO ! you say wfw gaming get stole ?? i don't think so every buddy have same script only little not same ... 100% same yow and posted by Redfrix/beckerchen/weiwen ...

Blocker created in the Year 2010.
WFWGaming created in Year 2009.
Well... Blocker has stealed all things, or only edited it.
Like the Pacman Gaming Design, stolen.
Like my map, stolen and copyright removed.
Like all the other things, all stolen.
All things he has made were stolen

ps: that things like adding Dragon wings and so on, is simple lua editing, not creating.

edited 1×, last 20.10.10 12:02:22 pm

old Re: Why Remove?

User Off Offline

Littlericket has written
Tidusz has written
WFW Gaming make that script ??? citylife (blocker) ?? i don't think so ! because i see on wfw gaming no addons , no vip , no trainee (CT BUT NOT FULL COMMAND) , no status png , anything i will say to you redfrix NO ! you say wfw gaming get stole ?? i don't think so every buddy have same script only little not same ... 100% same yow and posted by Redfrix/beckerchen/weiwen ...

Blocker created in the Year 2010.
WFWGaming created in Year 2009.
Well... Blocker has stealed all things, or only edited it.
Like the Pacman Gaming Design, stolen.
Like my map, stolen and copyright removed.
Like all the other things, all stolen.
All things he has made were stolen

ps: that things like adding Dragon wings and so on, is simple lua editing, not creating.


i know it ... but blocker didn't copy WFWGaming script but the map they edit so what ??? i think is not very same only the city but the outside not same ...

if you say blocker is copying wfwgaming ?? i found many script like wfw gaming on pastebin posted by Redfrix... original ... ?? huhuh i now is confius where i will support wfwgaming or blocker ?? hahaha

oh yeah 1 again i wanna ask to you littlericket how did u make copyright ?? hmm with software?? i wanna make my own copyright tell me please T_T

i know blocker is a stoler but only the script 50% original

other is stole

hmm i will make you on my map give my map to you with copyright by Snajdan Vin's and little help by WFWGaming

(wfw gaming it's your server ?? littlericket)

oh my god !! i very confius now my head ... i get raining on my head now i wanna go to bathroom

old Re: Why Remove?

User Off Offline

First of all. Blocker is... (Sorry for flaming. But i need it, i read the rules) Shit. Because look this
Stealed Pacman's Design (No-Permission)
Stealed Superhero Add-Ons (No-Permission)
Stealed WFW Map (No-Permission, Also, Quitted the copyright)
And here's a question for you.
For example. You made CS2D (I know it's made by DC) And some idiot says. "CS2D IS MADE BY ME X (Fake)" And peapole trust him and not you.
Another example. You created some cool forum and the first gaming clan in the world. Then someone hacked your forum and edit is made by him again.

So the REAL question is:
You will be happy if you know that? Peapole changing the credits is not funny.

Btw. I don't have WFW script e_e

old Re: Why Remove?

Moderator Off Offline

Actually Clan CAN use others scripts. No duhh 2 things that are really simple and even horses understand that

• Lua Scripts and maps are made for OTHERS to use.
• Of course you have to give credits.

A steal is when you DONT give credits and i dont get why flame clans on each other

"WFW Sucks !"
"NO ! Blocker Sucks !"
"No, you suck !"

All this arguing is so silly. Ok king arash didnt give credits next time he will and thats it no need to mention it in every reply .

old Re: Why Remove?

User Off Offline

This entire situation (and thread) is getting blown out of proportion simply because of the mass amount of flame and (sorry to say) poor English.

TKD said it well enough.

TheKilledDeath has written
...Don't even use PARTS of the work of others without asking them first AND giving them credit. That's illegal! Your upload was deleted because it was at least partly stolen.

Here's the legal jargon...

Digital documents, although electronic and in some senses, non-existant are still given the same copyright as any written document. So if you use any part of another person's script in creating your own, then your document is a "derivative work" of the original. To some extent, even one line copied can be called "deriving from"... So when you copy anything, even digitally, it has copyright attached and that copyright can only be waived by the author, which means you have to ask them if you can use their work, even if it is for less that 1% of the original text.

LUA scripts are an electronic document and fall under this category. They are NOT
batlaizys has written
made for OTHERS to use
but presented as an individual work with their own respective copyright. Meaning
batlaizys has written
you have to give credits
IF the author so requests this.

This becomes even more of a shaky legal situation when the author attaches a license agreement to their work. If they do, you have to obey the wording of the license to the letter (lawyers love tearing apart licenses)... If you are EVER unsure of the legal copyright status of any document, electronic or not, ALWAYS ask the author. In the event that the author is unavailable, then you're not going to be able to release it.

Breaking these copyrights can make you liable for huge sums of money that not only include lost revenue, but pain and suffering of the author, hardship they may have suffered by your actions and much more... In the end, it's not worth it to risk it.

I am dealing with this right now as I am trying to add a B3D viewer element to my Mod Viewer, but I can't get hold of the author, so I have to leave it until I can find an alternative... As Tupac Shakur quite rightly says "That's just the way it is..."

I hope that answers some of your questions...

old Re: Why Remove?

User Off Offline

In addition to what Psytechnic said:

Every document, in all countries but 20, is automatically protected by copyright, even if it doesn't say so with a © sign.

However, this copyright only protects the actual document, not the idea. So everyone is allowed to create their own citylife script/map, as long as they create it all by themselves.

old Re: Why Remove?

BANNED Off Offline

King-Arash has written
1.I just give wfw map for orginal
and me very editor this map ...

2.stive very better make lua wfw

and me become very bad boy. you english suck.

So please get better grammar cuz it is annying when someone doing this

old Re: Why Remove?

The Spy
User Off Offline

@Ultr4killer said "and me become very bad english suck. So please get better grammar cuz it is annying when someone doing this "

If you say its annoining steal people stuff then why did you stoled pihung m249 minigun?
Then after i said you stoled it you removed the skin -.-"
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