So, um, one day I was looking through CS2D mods, and I searched for TF2 - maybe someone made something new - and there was nothing! Well, there were some Lua scripts copied from samples/classes.lua, but nothing as big as mat5b's mod, for example. Back then, I already knew some things about Lua, and it was enough for me to decide to make a Team Fortress 2 mod from scratch.
Well, to be honest, not completely from scratch. I had some pieces of code I've written when I was a newbie in Lua. I cleaned them up, optimized them and started adding new features. And so the TF2 mod was born.
I don't want to copy the mod description from File Archive, but basically, the features are:

There's also an official 24/7 server running with the latest mod version. See details in File Archive.
Current mod version: b3.3.1
Upcoming version: b3.3.2
Features to be added in upcoming version:

Help needed with:


edited 3×, last 10.02.11 08:27:28 am