I will call this mod MU online for now because I got many ideas from the game. But if you want to give me other names, go ahead

Scripts by weiwen:
∗ NPC system. [CS2DTibia - RPG]
∗ Monster system. [CS2DTibia - RPG]
∗ Leveling & money system. [CS2DTibia - RPG]
∗ Items system.[CS2DTibia - RPG]
∗ Inventory & Equipment system.[CS2DTibia - RPG]
∗ Simple weather & time system.[CS2DTibia - RPG]
∗ House system. [CS2DTibia - RPG]
∗ Saving system.[CS2DTibia - RPG]
∗ Monster system. [CS2DTibia - RPG]
∗ Leveling & money system. [CS2DTibia - RPG]
∗ Items system.[CS2DTibia - RPG]
∗ Inventory & Equipment system.[CS2DTibia - RPG]
∗ Simple weather & time system.[CS2DTibia - RPG]
∗ House system. [CS2DTibia - RPG]
∗ Saving system.[CS2DTibia - RPG]
Scripts added by me and other people

Scripts added but still incomplete

Scripts might be added - difficulty for me

Scripts removed:

Bugs fixed:


You can help me by:


Special thanks to:

xfire: kvo189
MSN: - Email address (only visible with login) -
edited 13×, last 14.04.11 07:36:05 am