
MU online 2D Mod
28 replies
edited 1×, last 10.04.11 04:54:28 pm
Vectar666 has written
What "MU" means?
When you die, you will go Mu. No hell or heaven.(in Japanese legends)
Hmm I'm wrong. its another word

Kenvo go make your own name of mod.. stop copying
@Vetle What do you mean make my own name of mod and stop copying...LOL. Other people make mods such Half-Life, Modern Warfare, Garry's Mod did use the name of other 3D games. And I am copying who? wtf?
@Yates hi pro spammer

@Vectar666 I found this on google:
Good work there, a few on the list is over-rediculous, still, Good work
Wriggle has written
Shut up, Yates, i am the Modification Nazi around here, not you
Good work there, a few on the list is over-rediculous, still, Good work
Good work there, a few on the list is over-rediculous, still, Good work
Thank you but which ones are ridiculous, lol.