I have started my fourth mod called HUGEASS but instead of it being about halo or eagles or random survival stuff,
It's about..
Gaint landscapes
Huge cliffs
Deep waters
Unswimmable waters
And explosives!

This mod practicly doubles the size of the world of stranded giving more spaced out things (for crap computers) and a way further range of veiw (for good computers)
So really a 16x16 island would be like a 32x32
Heres and example of what i mean
before= http://img31.imageshack.us/i/screen00039.png/
after= http://img849.imageshack.us/i/screen00001.png/
The after shot shows everything but the terrain smaller,
(btw in the after shot i had to stand on a palm tree to see the volcano. In the before shot im on the ground still!)
This mod will help with map making and creative working for the sake of it gives you more space to work with but apart from all that, its really fun to play!
The explosives part I mentioned is just its pretty much double the size of a normal stranded 2 explosion.
yes water is unswimmable because i hated in stranded how you could just swim across the map without even going underwater once! So now once your under water and swimming you cant get you head above water unless you get to shore, making rafts and dugouts have an actual use now.
If you want to see that island i took those shots of go into the file archive and find "gullivers island".
Any ideas of what more to add?
New Release
Here it is, still in alpha, completely stable and only a few scale/speed problems, so really.... enjoy!
edited 1×, last 06.05.11 02:05:12 pm