If it's possible, could anyone tell me how to do so?

Making music play on title screen
19 replies

If it's possible, could anyone tell me how to do so?
If you want to know how to get a sound file from Halo, there's plenty which you can download via google.
EDIT: Just saw your post..

Um, no, I mean in the part where you get options like 'New Game' or 'Console'.
My assumption was wrong, he wants some other thing.

EDIT: a bit late, lolzz.
I just need it to start playing when you get to the menu.

Um, no, I mean in the part where you get options like 'New Game' or 'Console'.
You mean "weaponselect.wav", or what?
EDIT: It's pretty simple to do, if you listen up.. Download a sound file you want to play, transfer it into a .wav. You can do this by going to http://media.io/
If that's not what you want, your not making any sense.
EDIT: This isn't even possible anyway. The sound file that plays when you open a menu in CS2D is incbinned!
I want music to start playing.
DannyDeth is right Which Menu?
That isn't possible. You can't do it.
That way you have the sound playing in the menu.

That isn't possible. You can't do it.
That isn't possible. You can't do it.
Is it that hard to read my post? IT IS NOT POSSIBLE!

That isn't possible. You can't do it.
That isn't possible. You can't do it.
Is it that hard to read my post? IT IS NOT POSSIBLE!
Could you please calm down?
I read the posts of everyone who replies to my topics. Why would I have made this topic if I was going to ignore the posts that were made in it?
And also, just because you think it's that way doesn't mean your thoughts are correct.

Well, first - his thoughts ARE correct and what you want IS impossible. Second - you do seem to ignore other posts because he wrote that it's not possible like three times.
And how am I supposed to check if what he says is true or not?
Should I just consider this topic as locked because he told me it's impossible and won't accept me trying to get information from other users?
And also, thanks, now I know it's impossible.
I was waiting for more than 1 person to say so.

OH! You want just like the Half Life PS2 Version Menu that plays music repeatly
YOU CAN'T You can always post this kind of Idea (Which is not

We cant help you sorry...