Sooo.. I've got TimeSplitters for PS2, and I'm about to make a mod for it (for the singleplayer campaigns).
It will feature:
- All maps from the original TimeSplitters (As far as I can make them)
+ All maps on all difficulties;
> etc.
- 3 Different difficulties;
+ Easy; +/- 20 HP each enemy
+ Medium; +/- 100 HP each enemy
+ Hard; +/- 300 HP each enemy
- 8 Classic TimeSplitters player skins
+ Chinese Chef, Fishbowlrobot, suggestions?..
- Maybe a script for ricochet bullets and speedmod etc.
- Changed weapon skins;
+ Claw to Fists
+ AK47 to Assault rifle
+ M1014 to Assault shotgun
+ Deagle to Colt pistol
+ Grenade launcher to Grenade launcher
+ M4A1 to M16
+ TMP to Mauser pistol
+ M249 to Minigun
+ Elite to Pistol
+ Lasermine to Proximity mine
+ SG552 to Raygun
+ Galil to Raygun carbine
+ RPG to Rocket launcher
+ Famas to Scifi autorifle
+ Five-seven to Scifi handgun
+ G3SG1 to Scifi sniper rifle
+ M3 to Shotgun
+ AWP to Sniper rifle
+ Mine to TNT
+ UMP45 to Tommygun
+ Mac10 to Uzi
- Changed weapon sounds!
- suggestions?..
Another thing; I have TimeSplitters for the PS2, but the PS2 has a broken controller, so possibly I'm gonna buy it for Xbox (360) or a new PS2 controller.
[Maps] Level 3: Space Station done!
[Maps] Level 1: The Tomb done!
[Players] All skins done!
[Weapons] Scifi autorifle done!
[Weapons] Minigun done!
[Weapons] Raygun carbine done!
[Gfx] Some weapons reskinned
[Weapons] Rocket launcher done!
[Weapons] Mauser pistol done!
[Weapons] Pistol done!
[Weapons] Tommygun done!
[Weapons] Uzi done!
[Weapons] Scifi handgun done!
[Weapons] M16 done!
[Weapons] Grenade launcher done!
[Weapons] Colt pistol done!
[Weapons] Assault shotgun done!
[Weapons] Assault rifle done!
Cuchulainn/2Fast4You/Marksman: Maps, Sprites, Sounds
Factis699: Scripts (?)
Silv3rHeart/SyndicateZero/Cyrille: Sprites (?)
Feel free to join the "development team"
First and third mission map done!
Player skins done!
- My computer's internet is loaded with viruses, screw second hand computers -
Files to be uploaded in the upcoming MINUTEs! edited 20×, last 18.09.11 10:02:42 am