
you all do good work but please guys stop bitching about these silly things..
'Agreed lets just get back to posting our skins and other creations and be proud of them.
And back to topic here are some of my 1st skins that I released.
CS2D 3D player templates
New RPG-7 Pack
Killzone Helghast STA-52 bullpup for p90
HD HL MP-5A3/M-203 skin "based off of a End of Days MP5 skin on fpsbanana for the original HL"
Here the original link
Pagyras scope:

Pagyra now i realized you are a noob, you stole that scope from fpsbanana(now gamebanana).
Here the original link
Pagyras scope:
Here the original link
Pagyras scope:
Ah, I was wondering where the texture came from - Normally I find textures in dead/dying servers, so I don't know who to credit so I simply use it as public domain.
Pagyra? You suck. I didn't claim that the scope lens texture was mine, yet you did and claimed that I stole from you when in fact we both stole from that site (fps banana, now game banana), even if I did it without realising.
Also you flaming tolls GTFO its assholes like you that kill threads like this >> Just a matter of time before DC or one of the others mods is forced to close the thread. >>
Dammed trolls always have to ruin everything

Wow that looks nothing like his.
You really are an arrogant little shit, aren't you?

At best he modified the original extensively but still its not a carbon copy cut and paste just because the lens effects are the same >>

Also you flaming tolls GTFO its assholes like you that kill threads like this >> Just a matter of time before DC or one of the others mods is forced to close the thread. >>
No, we aren't. This is a running discustion. They will not close it as it has a meaning, maybe it's off-topic. But c'mon, it's better than a few links of your own skins.
Wait, let me end my reply with this dumb smiley >>
btw nice skins

Laughing my fucking ass off at this shit.
eh..damm you have to swear?

Laughing my fucking ass off at this shit.
eh..damm you have to swear?
He did not insult anyone, so no one cares.
Or they'll be forced to close the thread.

maybe you guys fake, resize and steal everyshit you find on internet BUT IT LOOKS STILL BEAUTIFUL SO WHO CARES!!!
btw nice skins
btw nice skins
Its stolen, idiot. Don't you get it?

Don't you get it?
Certainly not. It seems some people need 5 pages of hate against them to still not understand why stealing shit is bad.
edited 1×, last 19.09.11 06:32:29 pm

maybe you guys fake, resize and steal everyshit you find on internet BUT IT LOOKS STILL BEAUTIFUL SO WHO CARES!!!
btw nice skins
btw nice skins
Its stolen, idiot. Don't you get it?
thx bro just flame and get more offtopic so this gets closed.
dont get it why this thread is open, smallbrain? report your stolen files somewhere else but not here or go to police and cry there i bet the will be sure dosomething after they steal freeware

maybe you guys fake, resize and steal everyshit you find on internet
I-Is... Is that your counter argument? WOW, LOL.
Back on topic, revolvers!

And fictional firearms!

maybe you guys fake, resize and steal everyshit you find on internet
I-Is... Is that your counter argument? WOW, LOL.
Back on topic, revolvers!

And fictional firearms!

DAM IT all your Flies are 999%

maybe you guys fake, resize and steal everyshit you find on internet
I-Is... Is that your counter argument? WOW, LOL.
Back on topic, revolvers!

And fictional firearms!

finally you go back to topic. was hard eh?.. its not my counter i just hardly try to get back ontopic(i am the one who opened this thread so im sry if i cant post any nice files bc i have noone)
jesus christ save me from offtopicers
ONTOPIC!!!:i love the silencer of russian revolver LOL
didnt knew that revolvers have silencer.. well, welcome to 2011 xP
edit: im happy with my nice cs2d. i still search somethings but i saw that these things are somewhere else and not published in the cs2d filearchive(maybe because they are scared of stupid kiddies who insult the whole time bc of resized/redesigned stuff..)