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English Aircraft Wars 2D

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closed moved Poll Aircraft Wars 2D

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At the this moment there is a desire to test one of our fashion - let's call this mod ACS2D


I started this mod not so long ago.

At the this moment, our mod is not completed, much features will be added and changed..
edited 22×, last 26.01.14 11:00:39 pm

old Re: Aircraft Wars 2D

User Off Offline

Umm, was the script done by you? Because the mod looks a lot like Space RPG by Engin33r...

old Re: Aircraft Wars 2D

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Our team "Fan-Group" consists of 9 members:
FastLine Advance

This mod is created by only two man, and script was written from scratch -
FastLine Advance (Scripter)
Pagyra(Ideas and translate ideas into algorithms, skins, sounds)

old Re: Aircraft Wars 2D

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user Pagyra has written
This mod is created by only two man, and script was written from scratch -
FastLine Advance (Scripter)
Pagyra(Ideas and translate ideas into algorithms, skins, sounds)

I don't believe Fastline wrote the script "from scratch". It looks a lot like Engy's script.
P.S. You like to say "from scratch" a lot.

old Re: Aircraft Wars 2D

User Off Offline

And yet this is a completely different script.
Everything what i say "I do from scratch" - I do from scratch (believe you that or not - it's just your opinion, and problem).

old Re: Aircraft Wars 2D

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user DannyDeth has written
And most of those cases he doesn't do them from scratch.

I guess this script was made from scratch, pixel by pixel... oops, I mean letter by letter
I'll just ask Engy about it.

old Re: Aircraft Wars 2D

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As I see - you just know how to talk - but none of you are not connected to the server - to verify the adequacy of your opinion about script.

old Re: Aircraft Wars 2D

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user Pagyra has written
As I see - you just know how to talk - but none of you are not connected to the server - to verify the adequacy of your opinion about script.

How can I do it genius if I don't download the script as it's serverside?

old Uhhh...

Reviewer Off Offline

WW2 fighter aircrafts uses machine guns. Why dont you use the M249 or other guns? Also, you planes... Bahhh.

old Re: Aircraft Wars 2D

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Okay here's what i think:

the movement of the plane could be improved.
use mouse to slowly turn plane, not at this idiotic rate.

Let there be possibility to stop/run the plane. ( for example the e key).

Make the sounds a little bit better( when starting/stopping)

The weapons should be custom, not a deagle or rocket or sth...

Upload lua in your archive so others can host too.

Now if you want me to help with lua, ill be your man..

old Re: Aircraft Wars 2D

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I repeat: This is an alpha version - just to test our mod.

At the this moment running gungame mode -

Player Weapons:
Improves the gun - with each level it shoots faster and more ammo.
3 rounds of RPG at each spawn.

Eight skins of aircrafts - four country of Allies and four of Nazis countries.

In the plans:
Make interesting maps
Make saving statistics
Make changeble weapons and equipment for each aircraft.
Make more skins aircraft (models)
Make the shadow planes
Make smooth turns
Add visual effects
Make the weather and clouds (and its shadows)
Make extra modes, and objects and features of the game (execute missions, quests and various genres of maps(like aos, defence,...).

old Re: Aircraft Wars 2D

User Off Offline

Damn that was my idea but I had no time making it real.
Never mind, I will work with Vetle on more good stuff besides NFS

old Re: Aircraft Wars 2D

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user Pagyra has written
Our team "Fan-Group" consists of 9 members:
FastLine Advance

This mod is created by only two man, and script was written from scratch -
FastLine Advance (Scripter)
Pagyra(Ideas and translate ideas into algorithms, skins, sounds)

I asked Engy whether he was in your team. He said he was inactive for a long time and therefore isn't in it de-facto.
And may you explain what you meant by translating ideas into algos? And just think of a random algo and post it here.

old Re: Aircraft Wars 2D

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user palomino has written
user Pagyra has written
Our team "Fan-
And may you explain what you meant by translating ideas into algos? And just think of a random algo and post it here.

Perhaps he means an algorithm to calculate wether the planes have crashed and what mathematic formula to execute if this is the case (change speed, hp etc.)


old Re: Aircraft Wars 2D

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user sixpack has written
user palomino has written
user Pagyra has written
Our team "Fan-
And may you explain what you meant by translating ideas into algos? And just think of a random algo and post it here.

Perhaps he means an algorithm to calculate wether the planes have crashed and what mathematic formula to execute if this is the case (change speed, hp etc.)


I know what an algo means, I wanted to hear it from him

old Re: Aircraft Wars 2D

User Off Offline

I can post some of my ideas of this mod here so you can use them...

> Aircraft Carriers (Controllable (?) ) and airfields for ammo, hp (and fuel?).
> Each fighter plane has a pilot who controls the guns.
> Bombers have a pilot and some other guys on board to help take out other planes or bomb places.
> AntiAircraft Fire (Player Controlled?) fire at enemy planes
> Objectives

And some other stuff but not yet to be released to public..
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